- All members
- Abel Veloso
- Adélcia Veiga
- Álvaro Fernández Braña
- Ana Calado Lopes
- Ana Cristina Araújo Veloso
- Ana Cristina Ferrão Silva
- Ana Cristina Pais Mega de Andrade
- Ana Lúcia Baltazar Santos
- Ana Maria Valado
- Ana Matos
- Ana Ramalho
- Ana Raquel Ferreira Rodrigues
- Ana Rita Simões Ferraz
- Ana Sofia Fajardo
- Ana Teresa Bernardo Guia
- Andreia Patrícia Duarte Santos
- Anne Karine Boulet
- António Canatário Duarte
- António de Fátima de Melo Antunes Pinto
- António José Dinis Ferreira
- António Luís Pereira do Amaral
- Antonio Manuel Cardoso Monteiro
- António Manuel de Almeida Martins
- António Manuel Moitinho Nogueira Rodrigues
- António Manuel Santos Tomás Jordão
- António Manuel Terrão Russo
- António Pedro Andrade Vicente
- Arona Figueroa Pires
- Artur Figueiredo Costa Saraiva
- Bruno Miguel Morais Esteves
- Carla Margarida Marques Rodrigues
- Carla Moura
- Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira
- Carla Varanda
- Carlos José Dias Pereira
- Carlos Manuel Gaspar dos Reis
- Catarina Barros Afonso
- Catarina Coelho
- Catarina Flores
- Celestino Almeida
- Célia Dias Ferreira
- Christophe Espírito Santo
- Clara Margarida Pisco Viseu
- Cláudia Adriana Fernandes Vitória
- Cláudia Marisa Barreiros Neves
- Cláudia Susana Pereira dos Santos
- Cristiano da Silva Leal
- Cristina Amaro da Costa
- Cristina Maria Baptista Santos Pintado
- Cristina Maria Martins Alegria
- Cristina MR Caridade
- Daniel Roque Gomes
- Daniela de Vasconcelos Teixeira Aguiar da Costa
- Daniela Santos
- Deolinda Maria Fonseca Alberto
- Dionatan Gerber
- Dulcineia Ferreira Wessel
- Edite Teixeira-Lemos
- Élia Simões Fogeiro
- Elisabete Dinora Caldas de Freitas
- Elisabete Maria da Fonseca Correia
- Emilio Rosales Villanueva
- Fabiano Dahlke
- Fernanda Delgado
- Fernando Alexandre Almeida Esteves
- Fernando Jorge Gonçalves
- Filipa Alexandra Duque Fonseca
- Filipa Inês de Oliveira Pitacas
- Filipe António Miranda de Melo
- Filipe José Nogueira Madeira
- Filomena Gomes
- Francisco José Matias Marques
- Frederico Miguel Santos
- Goreti Maria dos Anjos Botelho
- Guilherme Furtado
- Hélder Viana
- Helena Maria de Paiva Martins Esteves Correia
- Helena Maria Vala Correia
- Hélia Sofia Duarte Canas Marchante
- Idalina de Jesus Domingos
- Igor Alexandre Silva Dias
- Inês Amorim Leitão
- Inês de Aragão Pacheco Morais Magro da Costa Pereira
- Isabel Cristina Castanheira e Silva
- Isabel Maria Melo Mendes dos Passos
- Isabel Maria Nunes da Rosa Dias Duarte
- Ivo Manuel Mira Abreu Rodrigues
- Joana Amaro Ribeiro
- Joana Jorge de Queiroz Leite
- Joana Lobo Fernandes
- Joana Seabra Pulido Neves Costa
- João André Evaristo de Matos Gago
- João Carlos Gonçalves
- João Manuel Rodrigues Ferreira de Oliveira
- João Paulo Baptista Carneiro
- João Rafael Pedra Trindade Silva
- Joaquim Sande Silva
- Jorge Belarmino Ferreira de Oliveira
- Jorge Manuel Vieira Moreira
- Jorge Varejão
- José Carlos Gonçalves
- José Luís da Silva Pereira
- José Manuel Gomes Moreira da Costa
- José Manuel Monteiro Gonçalves
- José Pedro de Matos Nogueira Amaro
- José Vicente Rodrigues Ferreira
- Kiril Bahcevandziev
- Lara Campos
- Liliana Neto Duarte
- Luís André Martins Esteves de Queirós
- Luís Carlos da Costa Coelho
- Luís Cláudio de Brito Brandão Guerreiro Quinta-Nova
- Luís Miguel Lima Valença Pinto
- Luis Miguel Moura Neves de Castro
- Luís Pedro Mota Pinto de Andrade
- Luís Roseiro
- Luísa Alexandra Serrano Paulo
- Luísa Chambel Leitão
- Luísa Paula Gonçalves Oliveira Valente da Cruz Lopes
- Lyudmyla Symochko
- Manuela Abelho
- Maria Adelaide Homem Perdigão Pito
- Maria Aires Pereira
- Maria Alexandra Oliveira
- Maria Amélia Moreira da Silva Diegues Ramos
- Maria Antónia da Conceição
- Maria Cristina Canavarro Teixeira
- Maria da Conceição da Costa Marques
- Maria de Fátima Martins Lorena de Oliveira
- Maria do Carmo Simões Mendonça Horta
- Maria Eduarda Moreno Silveira
- Maria Eduarda Nogueira Rodrigues
- Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves
- Maria Filomena Parreira Miguens
- Maria Inês Simões Brandão
- Maria Isabel Ribeiro Dinis
- Maria João da Cunha e Silva Reis Lima
- Maria João Silva
- Maria José Cunha
- Maria Justina Barbara Franco
- Maria Lúcia de Jesus Pato
- Maria Manuel Balseiro Vidal
- Maria Manuela Coelho Larguinho
- Maria Margarida Chagas Ataíde Ribeiro
- Maria Margarida da Costa Ferreira Correia de Oliveira
- Maria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
- Maria Paula Albuquerque Figueiredo Simões
- Maria Paula Pinto Amador
- Maria Paula S F S Pinto
- Maria Rosa Rebordão Cordeiro Simões Crisóstomo
- Maria Teresa Cruz Móia Cernadas
- Maria Teresa Durães Albquerque
- Maria Teresa Loureiro dos Santos
- Maria Teresa Pita Pegado Gonçalves Rodrigues Coelho
- Mariana Isabel Cunha Nogueira Almeida Monteiro
- Marta Helena Fernandes Henriques
- Marta Patrícia Carvalho dos Santos
- Maryam Abbasi
- Mauro Guilherme Pereira Nereu
- Miguel Ângelo Sousa Dias Ferreira da Mota
- Mónica Roldão Lemos de Almeida
- Morgana Weber Macena
- Natália Martins Roque
- Nuno Ribeiro
- Ofélia Maria Serralha dos Anjos
- Olga Manuela Simão Filipe
- Orlando Marcelino de Almeida Simões
- Paula Cristina Nunes Ferreira
- Paula Lúcia da Mata Silvério Ruivo
- Paula Maria dos Reis Correia
- Paulo Alexandre Justo Fernandez
- Paulo Barracosa Correia da Silva
- Paulo Henrique dos Santos
- Pedro Manuel Cardoso Ribeiro Moreira Soares
- Pedro Manuel Reis Mendes Moreira
- Pedro Martins Duarte
- Pedro Nuno d´Almeida Monteirinho Pinto Bravo
- Pedro Rodrigues
- R. Placido Roberto da Costa
- Raquel Costa Saraiva
- Raquel P. F. Guiné
- Ricardo Filipe Carreira Ramos
- Rosa Isabel Marques Mendes Guilherme
- Rosinda Leonor dos Santos Pato
- Rui Manuel Machado da Costa
- Ryunosuke Kikuchi
- Sandra Santos
- Sandrine Katy Matias da Ressurreição
- Sara Barbosa
- Sara Proença
- Sara Rute Monteiro da Silva e Sousa
- Sofia de Guiné e Florença
- Sofia Varela van Harten
- Sónia Luzia Claro de Pinho
- Soraia Inês Pedro
- Susana Pereira Dias
- Teresa Maria Pinto Coelho Amado Vasconcelos
- Vanda Maria Falcão Espada Lopes de Andrade
- Verónica Oliveira
- Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
- Vivina Almeida Carreira
- Yuliya Dulyanska
Ana Maria Valado

Ana Valado has a PhD in Biosciences, specializing in Cellular and Molecular Biology, a master's degree in Cellular Biology and a degree in Biology from the University of Coimbra and a specialist in Clinical Analysis and Public Health from the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra. She is Coordinator Professor at the Coimbra Health School of the Polytechnic of Coimbra. Published more than 50 articles in specialized journals. It has 4 book chapters and a book. Organized 20 events and participated in more than 100. Supervised master's theses and undergraduate projects. She participated in 7 projects, being Principal Researcher in 4 projects. Researcher in the area of Medical and Health Sciences with an emphasis on Health Sciences and Biotechnology Applied to Health. In his professional activities, he interacted with 283 collaborators in co-authoring scientific works. In the field of scientific production, he has developed topics such as: anaerobic exercise, catecholamines and lipid peroxidation; multiple sclerosis, oligoclonal bands (IgG and IgM); metalloproteinases; blood-brain barrier; polymorphisms; IFN-beta therapy; oxidative stress; total cholesterol; triglycerides; HDL-C; LDL-C; Apo A; Apo B; carrageenans; seaweeds; superoxide dismutase; oxidized glutathione; reduced glutathione; aging; metabolic dysfunction; metabolic syndrome. She was director of the Clinical Analysis and Public Health department; coordinator of the Clinical Analysis and Public Health Master's Degree, specializing in Hematology and Clinical-Laboratory Immunology.
Name: Ana Maria Valado
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-0157-6648
Scopus Number: 55191295200
Institucional Adress: CERNAS - Pólo de Coimbra | Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra | Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal | Google Maps: 40.211072,-8.452468
Email: valado@estesc.ipc.pt
Institutional Telephone: +351239802940
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-0157-6648
Scopus Number: 55191295200
Institucional Adress: CERNAS - Pólo de Coimbra | Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra | Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal | Google Maps: 40.211072,-8.452468
Email: valado@estesc.ipc.pt
Institutional Telephone: +351239802940
Leonel Pereira, João Cotas, Ana Valado,
Antioxidants from microalgae and their potential impact on human well-being (2024)
Exploration of Drug Science
DOI: 10.37349/eds.2024.00048
Ana Valado, Márcia Morais, Stephanie Fortes, Joana RosadoJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando Caseiro
Effect of Hydrotherapy and Physical Activity on Uric Acid and Nitric Oxide Concentrations in Serum Samples (2024)
OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine
DOI: 10.21926/obm.icm.2402028
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Red Algae Compounds: Potential Neuroprotective Agents for Neurodegenerative Disorders (2024)
OBM Neurobiology
DOI: 10.21926/obm.neurobiol.2402223
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Exploring the therapeutic potential of algae derived food and diet factors in allergy and inflammation (2024)
Exploration of Asthma & Allergy
DOI: 10.37349/eaa.2024.00035
João Cotas, Silvia Lomartire, Leonel Pereira, Ana ValadoJoão Carlos MarquesAna M. M. Gonçalves
Seaweeds as Nutraceutical Elements and Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus: Future Perspectives (2024)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md22040168
Ana Patrícia Lourenço, Catarina Freitas, Maria Helena Timóteo, Maria SoaresJoão Paulo FigueiredoNádia OsórioAna ValadoMaria TrapaliTelmo PereiraArmando Caseiro
Laboratory Assessment of the Effects of AGA@4life Multidisciplinary Intervention on the Inflammatory Profile, MMPs, and TIMPs in a Geriatric Population (2024)
DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12050509
Filipa Machado , Carolina Bastos, Bruna Santos, Ana Catarina PereiraVladyslava TrachenkoNuno BrazBenedetta Marinet al.
Coloretal Cancer and Seaweed Extracts - assessment of cytotoxic effects in vitro & in vivo (2024)
CIMAGO Congress
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Harnessing the power of seaweed: unveiling the potential of marine algae in drug discovery (2023)
Exploration of Drug Science
DOI: 10.37349/eds.2023.00032
Valado, Ana, Ponedilok, Polina, Caseiro, Armando, Pereira, Leonel
Macroalgae as a Source of Functional Foods in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases (2023)
Recent Progress in Nutrition ,vol.03, 04 , pp.1--27
DOI: 10.21926/rpn.2304024
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
From the ocean to the brain: harnessing the power of marine algae for neuroprotection and therapeutic advances (2023)
Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy
DOI: 10.37349/ent.2023.00058
Joana O. Tavares, João Cotas, Ana Valado, Leonel Pereira
Algae Food Products as a Healthcare Solution (2023)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md21110578
Joana Tavares, Cotas, João, Ana Valado, Leonel PereiraJoana O. TavaresJoão CotasAna Valado
Seaweed Superfoods: Bioactive Nutraceuticals for Coeliac Disease, Diabetes and Hyperglycemia Support (2023)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202309.1159.v1
Leonel Pereira, João Cotas, Ana Valado,
A Green Revolution in Antioxidant Research: Harnessing Microalgae for Wellness and Longevity (2023)
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202309.0509.v1
Pereira, Leonel, Valado, Ana,
Algae-Derived Natural Products in Diabetes and Its Complications—Current Advances and Future Prospects (2023)
Life ,vol.13, 9 , pp.1831
DOI: 10.3390/life13091831
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Unlocking Nature's Treasures: Algae-Derived Natural Products in Diabetes and Its Complications - Current Advances and Future Prospects (2023)
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202307.0722.v1
Mariana Pires, João Metello, Frade, João, Bárbara SepodesJoão FigueiredoAna ValadoAutor correspondente: Mariana Pires.
Avaliação Clínico-Laboratorial do Carcinoma da Mama (2023)
3rd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 25-27, 2023 Instituto Piaget University Campus of Viseu
Maria Pereira, Patrícia Antunes , Ana Valado,
The use of algae and its potential impact on health and economy (2023)
3rd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention
Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, Cotas, João, Leonel Pereira
Anti-cholesterol and antidiabetic sea gelatin (Gemacol) (2023)
5th Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies, May 22-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Seaweed and the traditional medicine (2023)
5th Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies, May 22-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Mariana Pires, Valado, A,
Impacto dos marcadores tumorais séricos no prognóstico do carcinoma da mama (2023)
Dia Internacional das Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais com o tema Guardians of Quality and Patient Safety: Biomedical Laboratory Scientists
Valado, Ana, Pereira, Leonel,
Algae and cardiovascular-health (2023)
Functional Ingredients from Algae for Foods and Nutraceuticals , pp.493--517
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-98819-3.00009-2
Ana Valado, Leonel Pereira, Lourdes Mourelle,
Special Issue: Hydrotherapy, antioxidants, thalassotherapy, and health (2023)
Ana Valado, Maria Pereira, Mónica Amaral, João CotasLeonel Pereira
Bioactivity of Carrageenans in Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Diseases (2022)
DOI: 10.3390/nutraceuticals2040032
Ana Valado, Sónia Nunes, Cotas, João, Pereira, Leonel
Carrageenans: bioactive properties and therapeutic uses (2022)
4th Seaweed for Health Conference
Ana Valado, Maria Pereira, Cotas, João, Pereira, Leonel
Bioactivity of carrageenan in metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases (2022)
4th Seaweed for Health Conference
Ana Valado, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Rogério BarreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando Caseiro
Impact of Hydrotherapy on Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in an Elderly Population (2022)
Geriatrics ,vol.7, 3 , pp.64
DOI: 10.3390/geriatrics7030064
Vareda C, Teixeira PF, Martins D, Ana ValadoMendes FM
Loss of mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4(SMAD4) expression and its correlation with clinicopathological parameters in pancreatic carcinoma (2021)
HIGEIA - Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco ,vol.VI , pp.65--71
Action of vegetable gelatin on serum total cholesterol levels (2021)
International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention 2021
João Cotas, Diana Pacheco, Glacio Souza Araujo, Ana ValadoAlan T. CritchleyLeonel Pereira
On the Health Benefits vs. Risks of Seaweeds and Their Constituents: The Curious Case of the Polymer Paradigm (2021)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md19030164
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
The Seaweed Diet in Prevention and Treatment of the Neurodegenerative Diseases (2021)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md19030128
Valado, A, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana RosadoJoão Paulo FigueiredoRogério BarreiraArmando Caseiro
Hydrotherapy in the evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in an elderly population (2020)
European Journal of Public Health ,vol.30
Margarida Lopes, Joao Paulo Figueiredo, Valado, Ana,
Multiple Sclerosis: Oligoclonal IgG Bands, Prevalence, Prognosis and Effect of Latitude (2020)
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research ,vol.28, 2
DOI: 10.26717/bjstr.2020.28.004611
Márcia Morais, Stephanie Fortes, Joana Rosado, Cláudia DominguesAna FernandesAline LopesJoão Paulo Figueiredoet al.
Evaluation of uric acid and nitric oxide levels with hydrotherapy in a senior population (2020)
Annual Meeting 2020, “Health 4.0: Designing Tomorrow's Healthcare Coimbra Health School, 25-27 June 2020
Maria Pereira, Armando Caseiro, João Paulo Figueiredo, Carla AlmeidaLeonel PereiraValado, A
Vegetable jelly (E407) intake and reduction of total cholesterol (2020)
Annual Meeting 2020, with the theme “Health 4.0: Designing Tomorrow's Healthcare”, Coimbra Health School, 25 - 27 June 2020.
Valado, A, Diana Lopes, Nádia Osório, Armando CaseiroJoão Paulo FigueiredoCristina Maria PatrícioMaria Paula PachecoGertie J. OostinghAntónio José Gabriel
Bioanalytical Approach-Ageing, Exercise and Oxidative Stress (2020)
Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare ,vol.11 , pp.0045--0049
Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana Rosado, Cristina SantosJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroAntónio GabrielValado, A
Aging, oxidative stress and hydrotherapy (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 105. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Maria Pereira, Carolina Santos, Helena Loureiro, João Paulo FigueiredoCarla AlmeidaLeonel PereiraArmando CaseiroAntónio GabrielValado, A
Effect of carrageenan on the lipid profile in humans (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 92. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Valado, A, Maria Pereira, Armando Caseiro, João Paulo FigueiredoHelena LoureiroCarla AlmeidaJoão CotasLeonel Pereira
Effect of carrageenans on vegetable jelly in humans with hypercholesterolemia (2020)
Characterization of Bioactive Components in Edible Algae , pp.203--213
Andreia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Sónia Calaça, Valado, AArmando CaseiroNádia OsórioAna FerreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoAntónio Gabriel
Effect of smoking habits on glutathione levels (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 125. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Valado, A,
Marcadores Biológicos na Esclerose Múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica (2020)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra
Ana Cristina Alves, João Paulo Figueiredo, Andreia Almeida, Cláudia SilvaTatiana VarandasFernando MarquesAmélia Pereiraet al.
Matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 and itss tissue inhibitors-1 and -2 in Diabetic patients with periodontal disease (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 124. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Andreia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Sónia Calaça, Ana FerreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroValado, ANádia OsórioAntónio Gabriel
The effect of smoking habits on cholinesterase activity (2020)
Work Journal - Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 106. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Valado, Ana, Pereira, Maria, Caseiro, Armando, Figueiredo, João P.Loureiro, HelenaAlmeida, CarlaCotas, JoãoPereira, Leonel
Effect of Carrageenans on Vegetable Jelly in Humans with Hypercholesterolemia (2019)
Marine Drugs ,vol.18 , pp.19
DOI: 10.3390/md18010019
Impacto da Hidroterapia na Atividade Enzimática Antioxidante numa População Geriátrica (2019)
7º Congresso em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável
Valado, A, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana RosadoJoao Paulo FigueiredoArmando Caseiro
Impacto da hidroterapia na atividade enzimática antioxidante numa população geriátrica (2019)
7º Congresso Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável
Márcia Morais, Stephanie Fortes, Joana Rosado, Cláudia DominguesAna FernandesAline LopesJoão Paulo Figueiredoet al.
Avaliação dos antioxidantes ácido úrico e óxido nítrico numa população idosa na prática de hidroterapia (2019)
XVII Curso Pós-graduado sobre Envelhecimento "Geriatria Prática"
Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana Rosado, Cláudia DominguesAna FernandesAline LopesJoão Paulo Figueiredoet al.
Impacto da hidroterapia na avaliação de antioxidantes enzimáticos numa população geriátrica (2019)
XVII Curso Pós-graduado sobre Envelhecimento "Geriatria Prática"
Effect of vegetable origin gelatins (carrageenan E407) on hypercholesterolemia (2019)
9th International Colloids Conference, 16-19 June 2019, Sitges Barcelona, Spain
Valado, A, Maria Pereira, Joao Paulo Figueiredo, Helena LoureiroCarla AlmeidaLeonel PereiraArmando Caseiro
Effect of vegetable origin gelatins (carrageenan E407) on hypercholesterolemia (2019)
9th International Colloids Conference, 16-19 June 2019, Sitges Barcelona, Spain
Aging, oxidative stress and hydrotherapy (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention
Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana Rosado, Cristina SantosJoao Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroAntónio GabrielValado, A
Aging, oxidative stress and hydrotherapy (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Andreia Pereira, Sónia Calaça, Catarina Alves, Valado, AAna FerreiraArmando CaseiroNádia OsórioJoão Paulo FigueiredoAntónio Gabriel
Efeito dos hábitos tabágicos nos níveis de glutatião (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Effect of carrageenan on the lipid profile in humans (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal. DOI: 10.13140/R
Valado, A, Maria Pereira, Carolina Santos, Helena LoureiroJoao Paulo FigueiredoCarla OliveiraLeonel PereiraArmando CaseiroAntónio Gabriel
Effect of carrageenan on the lipid profile in humans (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.31990.45122
Ana Cristina Alves, Joao Paulo Figueiredo, Andreia Almeida, Cláudia SilvaTatiana VarandasFernando MarquesAmélia Pereiraet al.
Matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 and its tissue inhibitors-1 and -2 in diabetic patients with periodontal disease (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Andreia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Sónia Calaça, Ana FerreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroValado, ANádia OsórioAntónio Gabriel
The effect of smoking habits on cholinesterase activity (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Silva, J. Paulo, Alves, Celso, Pinteus, Susete, Silva, JoanaValado, AnaPedrosa, RuiPereira, Leonel
Antioxidant and antitumor potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (2019)
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology ,vol.37 , pp.825--835
DOI: 10.1007/s00343-019-8110-4
João Paulo Figueiredo, A Almeida, Ana Cristina Alves, Cláudia SilvaTatiana VarandasAmélia PereiraÉlio Rodrigueset al.
Evaluation of potencial biomarkers (vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-10 and its tissue inhibitor -1) in the development of chronic complications in Diabetes Mellitus using the Binary Logistic Regression Model (2019)
JOCLAD2019, Associação Portuguesa de Classificação e Análise de Dados, 11-13, abril, Viseu
Aging, oxidative stress and exercise: laboratory approach (2019)
Annual Meeting 2019, 5-6 April 2019, Coimbra Health School, Portugal
CSF IgG oligoclonal bands and prognosis in multiple sclerosis (2019)
Annual Meeting 2019, 5-6 April 2019, Coimbra Health School, Portugal
Multiple Sclerosis: oligoclonal IgG bands, prevalence, prognosis and effect of latitude. (2019)
Annual Meeting 2019, 5-6 April 2019, Coimbra Health School, Portugal
Cristina Santos, Valado, A, Fernando Mendes, Ana Paula AmaralLucília GonçalvesRosa NevesCarla Ferreiraet al.
Projeto Educação pelos Pares da ESTeSC-Comportamentos de risco na promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis (2019)
1º Fórum Noite Saudável das Cidades do Centro de Portugal - Violência, Sinistralidade Rodoviária, Abuso de Álcool/Consumo de Drogas ilícitas & Contextos Recreativos Noturnos
Aging, exercise, enzymatic activity and health (2019)
European Journal of Public Health
CSF IgG oligoclonal bands and prognosis in multiple sclerosis (2019)
European Journal of Public Health
Esclerose múltipla: polimorfismo -1562C/T na MMP-9 e terapêutica (2019)
Convite da Associação de Estudantes da Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra (AEESAC) para palestra na ESAC - X Semana dos Cursos
João Paulo Figueiredo, Mariana Pratas, Mariana Pereira, Daniela CorreiaNádia OsórioArmando CaseiroAna Ferreiraet al.
Evaluation of lifestyles, anthropometric and lilid indicators in young university students with and without family support (2019)
Work Journal
Valado, A, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana RosadoJoão Paulo FigueiredoRogério BarreiraArmando Caseiro
Hydrotherapy in the evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in an elderly population (2019)
Annual meeting 2020. Saúde 4.0. 19-21 March, Coimbra Health School
O efeito dos hábitos tabágicos na atividade das colinesterases (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Bandas oligoclonais IgG no líquido cefalorraquídeo em doentes de esclerose múltipla ao longo da doença (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Efeito dos hábitos tabágicos nos níveis de glutatião (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Influência dos hábitos tabágicos nos níveis séricos de paratormona (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Valado, A, Maria João Leitão, Lívia Sousa, Inês Baldeiras
Relationship between the -1562 C/T polymorphism in the MMP-9 gene and multiple sclerosis (2018)
BMC Health Services Research, Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress ,vol., 18
Marcadores biológicos na esclerose múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica (2018)
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Valado, Ana Maria de Figueiredo,
Marcadores biológicos na esclerose múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica (2018)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
Relationship between the -1562 C/T polymorphism in the MMP-9 gene and multiple sclerosis (2018)
4th IPLeiria International Health Congress: Global Health Trends
Valado, A,
Plaquetograma em indivíduos infetados com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (2018)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra
The impact of pesticides on the cholinesterase-activity in serum samples (2018)
Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI, Symposium International, Guimarães, Portugal.
Antioxidant and antitumor potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (2018)
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
Teixeira, Alessia, Oostingh, Gertie, Valado, Ana, Osório, NádiaCaseiro, ArmandoFerreira, AnaFigueiredo, João Paulo
The impact of pesticides on the cholinesterase-activity in serum samples (2018)
Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI ,vol.1 , pp.319--323
DOI: 10.1201/9781351008884-56
Screening of biotechnological potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (Rhodophyta) (2017)
The 7th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts
Multiple sclerosis: Association of gelatinase B/matrix metalloproteinase-9 with risk and clinical course the disease. (2017)
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
A glutationa como antioxidante após estimulação pelo exercício numa população idosa (2017)
1ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde, rRACS. Portugal
Alteração da atividade das colinesterases após aplicação de pesticidas (2017)
1ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde, rRACS. Portugal
Atividade enzimática da glutationa como antioxidante em idosos sujeitos a exercício (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 65-70.
Avaliação bio analítica entre stress oxidativo, envelhecimento e exercício (2017)
II Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais
Forssman antigen expression in tumor tissue - What is the relevance? (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 89-95
Matrix 1 and 9 metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitor as potencial biomarkers of the influence of physical exercise combined with statin therapy at muscle level. (2017)
Rev cienc salud med
Metaloproteinases da matriz-2 e -9 e o seu inibidor tecidular 1 na diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 101-109.
Novo método de avaliação da tolerância à endotoxina em sangue total efetuado em doentes com sépsis (2017)
1ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde, rRACS. Portugal
Screening of biotechnological potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (Rhodophyta) (2017)
The 7th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. Miami
Superoxide dismutase activity in elderly subjected to exercise (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 71-76.
Atividade enzimática da glutationa como antioxidante em idosos sujeitos a exercício (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais
Metaloproteinases da matriz-2 e -9 e o seu inibidor tecidular 1 na diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais. Bragança
O paradoxo stress oxidativo e exercício físico (2016)
Congresso APTAC 2016. Portugal
Polimorfismo -1562 C/T no gene da MMP-9 em doentes com esclerose múltipla (2016)
Congresso APTAC 2016. Portugal
Síntese intratecal de bandas oligoclonais em doentes com esclerose múltipla (2016)
Congresso APTAC 2016. Portugal
Atividade da superóxido dismutase em idosos sujeitos a um plano de exercício (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais. Bragança, Portugal.
Atividade enzimática da glutationa como antioxidante em idosos sujeitos a exercício (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais. Bragança, Portugal.
Lifestyle impact on serum level of vitamin D and PTH in elderly (2016)
3rd World Congress of Health Research. Portugal
Lifestyle impact on serum level of vitamin D and PTH in elderly (2016)
3rd World Congress of Health Research. Portugal
Antioxidants from microalgae and their potential impact on human well-being (2024)
Exploration of Drug Science
DOI: 10.37349/eds.2024.00048
Ana Valado, Márcia Morais, Stephanie Fortes, Joana RosadoJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando Caseiro
Effect of Hydrotherapy and Physical Activity on Uric Acid and Nitric Oxide Concentrations in Serum Samples (2024)
OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine
DOI: 10.21926/obm.icm.2402028
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Red Algae Compounds: Potential Neuroprotective Agents for Neurodegenerative Disorders (2024)
OBM Neurobiology
DOI: 10.21926/obm.neurobiol.2402223
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Exploring the therapeutic potential of algae derived food and diet factors in allergy and inflammation (2024)
Exploration of Asthma & Allergy
DOI: 10.37349/eaa.2024.00035
João Cotas, Silvia Lomartire, Leonel Pereira, Ana ValadoJoão Carlos MarquesAna M. M. Gonçalves
Seaweeds as Nutraceutical Elements and Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus: Future Perspectives (2024)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md22040168
Ana Patrícia Lourenço, Catarina Freitas, Maria Helena Timóteo, Maria SoaresJoão Paulo FigueiredoNádia OsórioAna ValadoMaria TrapaliTelmo PereiraArmando Caseiro
Laboratory Assessment of the Effects of AGA@4life Multidisciplinary Intervention on the Inflammatory Profile, MMPs, and TIMPs in a Geriatric Population (2024)
DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12050509
Filipa Machado , Carolina Bastos, Bruna Santos, Ana Catarina PereiraVladyslava TrachenkoNuno BrazBenedetta Marinet al.
Coloretal Cancer and Seaweed Extracts - assessment of cytotoxic effects in vitro & in vivo (2024)
CIMAGO Congress
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Harnessing the power of seaweed: unveiling the potential of marine algae in drug discovery (2023)
Exploration of Drug Science
DOI: 10.37349/eds.2023.00032
Valado, Ana, Ponedilok, Polina, Caseiro, Armando, Pereira, Leonel
Macroalgae as a Source of Functional Foods in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases (2023)
Recent Progress in Nutrition ,vol.03, 04 , pp.1--27
DOI: 10.21926/rpn.2304024
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
From the ocean to the brain: harnessing the power of marine algae for neuroprotection and therapeutic advances (2023)
Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy
DOI: 10.37349/ent.2023.00058
Joana O. Tavares, João Cotas, Ana Valado, Leonel Pereira
Algae Food Products as a Healthcare Solution (2023)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md21110578
Joana Tavares, Cotas, João, Ana Valado, Leonel PereiraJoana O. TavaresJoão CotasAna Valado
Seaweed Superfoods: Bioactive Nutraceuticals for Coeliac Disease, Diabetes and Hyperglycemia Support (2023)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202309.1159.v1
Leonel Pereira, João Cotas, Ana Valado,
A Green Revolution in Antioxidant Research: Harnessing Microalgae for Wellness and Longevity (2023)
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202309.0509.v1
Pereira, Leonel, Valado, Ana,
Algae-Derived Natural Products in Diabetes and Its Complications—Current Advances and Future Prospects (2023)
Life ,vol.13, 9 , pp.1831
DOI: 10.3390/life13091831
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Unlocking Nature's Treasures: Algae-Derived Natural Products in Diabetes and Its Complications - Current Advances and Future Prospects (2023)
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202307.0722.v1
Mariana Pires, João Metello, Frade, João, Bárbara SepodesJoão FigueiredoAna ValadoAutor correspondente: Mariana Pires.
Avaliação Clínico-Laboratorial do Carcinoma da Mama (2023)
3rd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 25-27, 2023 Instituto Piaget University Campus of Viseu
Maria Pereira, Patrícia Antunes , Ana Valado,
The use of algae and its potential impact on health and economy (2023)
3rd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention
Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, Cotas, João, Leonel Pereira
Anti-cholesterol and antidiabetic sea gelatin (Gemacol) (2023)
5th Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies, May 22-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
Seaweed and the traditional medicine (2023)
5th Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies, May 22-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Mariana Pires, Valado, A,
Impacto dos marcadores tumorais séricos no prognóstico do carcinoma da mama (2023)
Dia Internacional das Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais com o tema Guardians of Quality and Patient Safety: Biomedical Laboratory Scientists
Valado, Ana, Pereira, Leonel,
Algae and cardiovascular-health (2023)
Functional Ingredients from Algae for Foods and Nutraceuticals , pp.493--517
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-98819-3.00009-2
Ana Valado, Leonel Pereira, Lourdes Mourelle,
Special Issue: Hydrotherapy, antioxidants, thalassotherapy, and health (2023)
Ana Valado, Maria Pereira, Mónica Amaral, João CotasLeonel Pereira
Bioactivity of Carrageenans in Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Diseases (2022)
DOI: 10.3390/nutraceuticals2040032
Ana Valado, Sónia Nunes, Cotas, João, Pereira, Leonel
Carrageenans: bioactive properties and therapeutic uses (2022)
4th Seaweed for Health Conference
Ana Valado, Maria Pereira, Cotas, João, Pereira, Leonel
Bioactivity of carrageenan in metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases (2022)
4th Seaweed for Health Conference
Ana Valado, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Rogério BarreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando Caseiro
Impact of Hydrotherapy on Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in an Elderly Population (2022)
Geriatrics ,vol.7, 3 , pp.64
DOI: 10.3390/geriatrics7030064
Vareda C, Teixeira PF, Martins D, Ana ValadoMendes FM
Loss of mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4(SMAD4) expression and its correlation with clinicopathological parameters in pancreatic carcinoma (2021)
HIGEIA - Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco ,vol.VI , pp.65--71
Action of vegetable gelatin on serum total cholesterol levels (2021)
International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention 2021
João Cotas, Diana Pacheco, Glacio Souza Araujo, Ana ValadoAlan T. CritchleyLeonel Pereira
On the Health Benefits vs. Risks of Seaweeds and Their Constituents: The Curious Case of the Polymer Paradigm (2021)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md19030164
Leonel Pereira, Ana Valado,
The Seaweed Diet in Prevention and Treatment of the Neurodegenerative Diseases (2021)
Marine Drugs
DOI: 10.3390/md19030128
Valado, A, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana RosadoJoão Paulo FigueiredoRogério BarreiraArmando Caseiro
Hydrotherapy in the evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in an elderly population (2020)
European Journal of Public Health ,vol.30
Margarida Lopes, Joao Paulo Figueiredo, Valado, Ana,
Multiple Sclerosis: Oligoclonal IgG Bands, Prevalence, Prognosis and Effect of Latitude (2020)
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research ,vol.28, 2
DOI: 10.26717/bjstr.2020.28.004611
Márcia Morais, Stephanie Fortes, Joana Rosado, Cláudia DominguesAna FernandesAline LopesJoão Paulo Figueiredoet al.
Evaluation of uric acid and nitric oxide levels with hydrotherapy in a senior population (2020)
Annual Meeting 2020, “Health 4.0: Designing Tomorrow's Healthcare Coimbra Health School, 25-27 June 2020
Maria Pereira, Armando Caseiro, João Paulo Figueiredo, Carla AlmeidaLeonel PereiraValado, A
Vegetable jelly (E407) intake and reduction of total cholesterol (2020)
Annual Meeting 2020, with the theme “Health 4.0: Designing Tomorrow's Healthcare”, Coimbra Health School, 25 - 27 June 2020.
Valado, A, Diana Lopes, Nádia Osório, Armando CaseiroJoão Paulo FigueiredoCristina Maria PatrícioMaria Paula PachecoGertie J. OostinghAntónio José Gabriel
Bioanalytical Approach-Ageing, Exercise and Oxidative Stress (2020)
Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare ,vol.11 , pp.0045--0049
Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana Rosado, Cristina SantosJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroAntónio GabrielValado, A
Aging, oxidative stress and hydrotherapy (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 105. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Maria Pereira, Carolina Santos, Helena Loureiro, João Paulo FigueiredoCarla AlmeidaLeonel PereiraArmando CaseiroAntónio GabrielValado, A
Effect of carrageenan on the lipid profile in humans (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 92. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Valado, A, Maria Pereira, Armando Caseiro, João Paulo FigueiredoHelena LoureiroCarla AlmeidaJoão CotasLeonel Pereira
Effect of carrageenans on vegetable jelly in humans with hypercholesterolemia (2020)
Characterization of Bioactive Components in Edible Algae , pp.203--213
Andreia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Sónia Calaça, Valado, AArmando CaseiroNádia OsórioAna FerreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoAntónio Gabriel
Effect of smoking habits on glutathione levels (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 125. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Valado, A,
Marcadores Biológicos na Esclerose Múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica (2020)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra
Ana Cristina Alves, João Paulo Figueiredo, Andreia Almeida, Cláudia SilvaTatiana VarandasFernando MarquesAmélia Pereiraet al.
Matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 and itss tissue inhibitors-1 and -2 in Diabetic patients with periodontal disease (2020)
Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 124. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Andreia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Sónia Calaça, Ana FerreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroValado, ANádia OsórioAntónio Gabriel
The effect of smoking habits on cholinesterase activity (2020)
Work Journal - Proceeding of the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention; 2019 May 31-June 01; Viseu, Portugal. 2019. p. 106. Available from: http://workjournal.org/health-and-well-being-intervention-international-congress-abstracts
Valado, Ana, Pereira, Maria, Caseiro, Armando, Figueiredo, João P.Loureiro, HelenaAlmeida, CarlaCotas, JoãoPereira, Leonel
Effect of Carrageenans on Vegetable Jelly in Humans with Hypercholesterolemia (2019)
Marine Drugs ,vol.18 , pp.19
DOI: 10.3390/md18010019
Impacto da Hidroterapia na Atividade Enzimática Antioxidante numa População Geriátrica (2019)
7º Congresso em Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável
Valado, A, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana RosadoJoao Paulo FigueiredoArmando Caseiro
Impacto da hidroterapia na atividade enzimática antioxidante numa população geriátrica (2019)
7º Congresso Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável
Márcia Morais, Stephanie Fortes, Joana Rosado, Cláudia DominguesAna FernandesAline LopesJoão Paulo Figueiredoet al.
Avaliação dos antioxidantes ácido úrico e óxido nítrico numa população idosa na prática de hidroterapia (2019)
XVII Curso Pós-graduado sobre Envelhecimento "Geriatria Prática"
Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana Rosado, Cláudia DominguesAna FernandesAline LopesJoão Paulo Figueiredoet al.
Impacto da hidroterapia na avaliação de antioxidantes enzimáticos numa população geriátrica (2019)
XVII Curso Pós-graduado sobre Envelhecimento "Geriatria Prática"
Effect of vegetable origin gelatins (carrageenan E407) on hypercholesterolemia (2019)
9th International Colloids Conference, 16-19 June 2019, Sitges Barcelona, Spain
Valado, A, Maria Pereira, Joao Paulo Figueiredo, Helena LoureiroCarla AlmeidaLeonel PereiraArmando Caseiro
Effect of vegetable origin gelatins (carrageenan E407) on hypercholesterolemia (2019)
9th International Colloids Conference, 16-19 June 2019, Sitges Barcelona, Spain
Aging, oxidative stress and hydrotherapy (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention
Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana Rosado, Cristina SantosJoao Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroAntónio GabrielValado, A
Aging, oxidative stress and hydrotherapy (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Andreia Pereira, Sónia Calaça, Catarina Alves, Valado, AAna FerreiraArmando CaseiroNádia OsórioJoão Paulo FigueiredoAntónio Gabriel
Efeito dos hábitos tabágicos nos níveis de glutatião (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Effect of carrageenan on the lipid profile in humans (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal. DOI: 10.13140/R
Valado, A, Maria Pereira, Carolina Santos, Helena LoureiroJoao Paulo FigueiredoCarla OliveiraLeonel PereiraArmando CaseiroAntónio Gabriel
Effect of carrageenan on the lipid profile in humans (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.31990.45122
Ana Cristina Alves, Joao Paulo Figueiredo, Andreia Almeida, Cláudia SilvaTatiana VarandasFernando MarquesAmélia Pereiraet al.
Matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 and its tissue inhibitors-1 and -2 in diabetic patients with periodontal disease (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Andreia Pereira, Catarina Alves, Sónia Calaça, Ana FerreiraJoão Paulo FigueiredoArmando CaseiroValado, ANádia OsórioAntónio Gabriel
The effect of smoking habits on cholinesterase activity (2019)
International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, May 31 and June 1, 2019. Institute Piaget University Campus of Viseu, Portugal
Silva, J. Paulo, Alves, Celso, Pinteus, Susete, Silva, JoanaValado, AnaPedrosa, RuiPereira, Leonel
Antioxidant and antitumor potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (2019)
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology ,vol.37 , pp.825--835
DOI: 10.1007/s00343-019-8110-4
João Paulo Figueiredo, A Almeida, Ana Cristina Alves, Cláudia SilvaTatiana VarandasAmélia PereiraÉlio Rodrigueset al.
Evaluation of potencial biomarkers (vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-10 and its tissue inhibitor -1) in the development of chronic complications in Diabetes Mellitus using the Binary Logistic Regression Model (2019)
JOCLAD2019, Associação Portuguesa de Classificação e Análise de Dados, 11-13, abril, Viseu
Aging, oxidative stress and exercise: laboratory approach (2019)
Annual Meeting 2019, 5-6 April 2019, Coimbra Health School, Portugal
CSF IgG oligoclonal bands and prognosis in multiple sclerosis (2019)
Annual Meeting 2019, 5-6 April 2019, Coimbra Health School, Portugal
Multiple Sclerosis: oligoclonal IgG bands, prevalence, prognosis and effect of latitude. (2019)
Annual Meeting 2019, 5-6 April 2019, Coimbra Health School, Portugal
Cristina Santos, Valado, A, Fernando Mendes, Ana Paula AmaralLucília GonçalvesRosa NevesCarla Ferreiraet al.
Projeto Educação pelos Pares da ESTeSC-Comportamentos de risco na promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis (2019)
1º Fórum Noite Saudável das Cidades do Centro de Portugal - Violência, Sinistralidade Rodoviária, Abuso de Álcool/Consumo de Drogas ilícitas & Contextos Recreativos Noturnos
Aging, exercise, enzymatic activity and health (2019)
European Journal of Public Health
CSF IgG oligoclonal bands and prognosis in multiple sclerosis (2019)
European Journal of Public Health
Esclerose múltipla: polimorfismo -1562C/T na MMP-9 e terapêutica (2019)
Convite da Associação de Estudantes da Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra (AEESAC) para palestra na ESAC - X Semana dos Cursos
João Paulo Figueiredo, Mariana Pratas, Mariana Pereira, Daniela CorreiaNádia OsórioArmando CaseiroAna Ferreiraet al.
Evaluation of lifestyles, anthropometric and lilid indicators in young university students with and without family support (2019)
Work Journal
Valado, A, Stephanie Fortes, Márcia Morais, Joana RosadoJoão Paulo FigueiredoRogério BarreiraArmando Caseiro
Hydrotherapy in the evaluation of enzymatic antioxidants in an elderly population (2019)
Annual meeting 2020. Saúde 4.0. 19-21 March, Coimbra Health School
O efeito dos hábitos tabágicos na atividade das colinesterases (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Bandas oligoclonais IgG no líquido cefalorraquídeo em doentes de esclerose múltipla ao longo da doença (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Efeito dos hábitos tabágicos nos níveis de glutatião (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Influência dos hábitos tabágicos nos níveis séricos de paratormona (2018)
2ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia rRACS 2018
Valado, A, Maria João Leitão, Lívia Sousa, Inês Baldeiras
Relationship between the -1562 C/T polymorphism in the MMP-9 gene and multiple sclerosis (2018)
BMC Health Services Research, Proceedings of the 4th IPLeiria’s International Health Congress ,vol., 18
Marcadores biológicos na esclerose múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica (2018)
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Valado, Ana Maria de Figueiredo,
Marcadores biológicos na esclerose múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica (2018)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
Relationship between the -1562 C/T polymorphism in the MMP-9 gene and multiple sclerosis (2018)
4th IPLeiria International Health Congress: Global Health Trends
Valado, A,
Plaquetograma em indivíduos infetados com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (2018)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra
The impact of pesticides on the cholinesterase-activity in serum samples (2018)
Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI, Symposium International, Guimarães, Portugal.
Antioxidant and antitumor potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (2018)
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
Teixeira, Alessia, Oostingh, Gertie, Valado, Ana, Osório, NádiaCaseiro, ArmandoFerreira, AnaFigueiredo, João Paulo
The impact of pesticides on the cholinesterase-activity in serum samples (2018)
Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI ,vol.1 , pp.319--323
DOI: 10.1201/9781351008884-56
Screening of biotechnological potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (Rhodophyta) (2017)
The 7th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts
Multiple sclerosis: Association of gelatinase B/matrix metalloproteinase-9 with risk and clinical course the disease. (2017)
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
A glutationa como antioxidante após estimulação pelo exercício numa população idosa (2017)
1ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde, rRACS. Portugal
Alteração da atividade das colinesterases após aplicação de pesticidas (2017)
1ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde, rRACS. Portugal
Atividade enzimática da glutationa como antioxidante em idosos sujeitos a exercício (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 65-70.
Avaliação bio analítica entre stress oxidativo, envelhecimento e exercício (2017)
II Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais
Forssman antigen expression in tumor tissue - What is the relevance? (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 89-95
Matrix 1 and 9 metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitor as potencial biomarkers of the influence of physical exercise combined with statin therapy at muscle level. (2017)
Rev cienc salud med
Metaloproteinases da matriz-2 e -9 e o seu inibidor tecidular 1 na diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 101-109.
Novo método de avaliação da tolerância à endotoxina em sangue total efetuado em doentes com sépsis (2017)
1ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde, rRACS. Portugal
Screening of biotechnological potential of wild and IMTA-cultivated Osmundea pinnatifida (Rhodophyta) (2017)
The 7th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. Miami
Superoxide dismutase activity in elderly subjected to exercise (2017)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais:Livro de atas. Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 2016, p. 71-76.
Atividade enzimática da glutationa como antioxidante em idosos sujeitos a exercício (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais
Metaloproteinases da matriz-2 e -9 e o seu inibidor tecidular 1 na diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais. Bragança
O paradoxo stress oxidativo e exercício físico (2016)
Congresso APTAC 2016. Portugal
Polimorfismo -1562 C/T no gene da MMP-9 em doentes com esclerose múltipla (2016)
Congresso APTAC 2016. Portugal
Síntese intratecal de bandas oligoclonais em doentes com esclerose múltipla (2016)
Congresso APTAC 2016. Portugal
Atividade da superóxido dismutase em idosos sujeitos a um plano de exercício (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais. Bragança, Portugal.
Atividade enzimática da glutationa como antioxidante em idosos sujeitos a exercício (2016)
I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Biomédicas Laboratoriais. Bragança, Portugal.
Lifestyle impact on serum level of vitamin D and PTH in elderly (2016)
3rd World Congress of Health Research. Portugal
Lifestyle impact on serum level of vitamin D and PTH in elderly (2016)
3rd World Congress of Health Research. Portugal
Marcadores biológicos na esclerose múltipla: relevância no prognóstico e terapêutica
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: Ana Maria Valado
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: SFRH/PROTEC/67690/2010
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: Ana Maria Valado
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: SFRH/PROTEC/67690/2010