- All members
- Abel Veloso
- Adélcia Veiga
- Álvaro Fernández Braña
- Ana Calado Lopes
- Ana Cristina Araújo Veloso
- Ana Cristina Ferrão Silva
- Ana Cristina Pais Mega de Andrade
- Ana Lúcia Baltazar Santos
- Ana Maria Valado
- Ana Matos
- Ana Ramalho
- Ana Raquel Ferreira Rodrigues
- Ana Rita Simões Ferraz
- Ana Sofia Fajardo
- Ana Teresa Bernardo Guia
- Andreia Patrícia Duarte Santos
- Anne Karine Boulet
- António Canatário Duarte
- António de Fátima de Melo Antunes Pinto
- António José Dinis Ferreira
- António Luís Pereira do Amaral
- Antonio Manuel Cardoso Monteiro
- António Manuel de Almeida Martins
- António Manuel Moitinho Nogueira Rodrigues
- António Manuel Santos Tomás Jordão
- António Manuel Terrão Russo
- António Pedro Andrade Vicente
- Arona Figueroa Pires
- Artur Figueiredo Costa Saraiva
- Bruno Miguel Morais Esteves
- Carla Margarida Marques Rodrigues
- Carla Moura
- Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira
- Carla Varanda
- Carlos José Dias Pereira
- Carlos Manuel Gaspar dos Reis
- Catarina Barros Afonso
- Catarina Coelho
- Catarina Flores
- Celestino Almeida
- Célia Dias Ferreira
- Christophe Espírito Santo
- Clara Margarida Pisco Viseu
- Cláudia Adriana Fernandes Vitória
- Cláudia Marisa Barreiros Neves
- Cláudia Susana Pereira dos Santos
- Cristiano da Silva Leal
- Cristina Amaro da Costa
- Cristina Maria Baptista Santos Pintado
- Cristina Maria Martins Alegria
- Cristina MR Caridade
- Daniel Roque Gomes
- Daniela de Vasconcelos Teixeira Aguiar da Costa
- Daniela Santos
- Deolinda Maria Fonseca Alberto
- Dionatan Gerber
- Dulcineia Ferreira Wessel
- Edite Teixeira-Lemos
- Élia Simões Fogeiro
- Elisabete Dinora Caldas de Freitas
- Elisabete Maria da Fonseca Correia
- Emilio Rosales Villanueva
- Fabiano Dahlke
- Fernanda Delgado
- Fernando Alexandre Almeida Esteves
- Fernando Jorge Gonçalves
- Filipa Alexandra Duque Fonseca
- Filipa Inês de Oliveira Pitacas
- Filipe António Miranda de Melo
- Filipe José Nogueira Madeira
- Filomena Gomes
- Francisco José Matias Marques
- Frederico Miguel Santos
- Goreti Maria dos Anjos Botelho
- Guilherme Furtado
- Hélder Viana
- Helena Maria de Paiva Martins Esteves Correia
- Helena Maria Vala Correia
- Hélia Sofia Duarte Canas Marchante
- Idalina de Jesus Domingos
- Igor Alexandre Silva Dias
- Inês Amorim Leitão
- Inês de Aragão Pacheco Morais Magro da Costa Pereira
- Isabel Cristina Castanheira e Silva
- Isabel Maria Melo Mendes dos Passos
- Isabel Maria Nunes da Rosa Dias Duarte
- Ivo Manuel Mira Abreu Rodrigues
- Joana Amaro Ribeiro
- Joana Jorge de Queiroz Leite
- Joana Lobo Fernandes
- Joana Seabra Pulido Neves Costa
- João André Evaristo de Matos Gago
- João Carlos Gonçalves
- João Manuel Rodrigues Ferreira de Oliveira
- João Paulo Baptista Carneiro
- João Rafael Pedra Trindade Silva
- Joaquim Sande Silva
- Jorge Belarmino Ferreira de Oliveira
- Jorge Manuel Vieira Moreira
- Jorge Varejão
- José Carlos Gonçalves
- José Luís da Silva Pereira
- José Manuel Gomes Moreira da Costa
- José Manuel Monteiro Gonçalves
- José Pedro de Matos Nogueira Amaro
- José Vicente Rodrigues Ferreira
- Kiril Bahcevandziev
- Lara Campos
- Liliana Neto Duarte
- Luís André Martins Esteves de Queirós
- Luís Carlos da Costa Coelho
- Luís Cláudio de Brito Brandão Guerreiro Quinta-Nova
- Luís Miguel Lima Valença Pinto
- Luis Miguel Moura Neves de Castro
- Luís Pedro Mota Pinto de Andrade
- Luís Roseiro
- Luísa Alexandra Serrano Paulo
- Luísa Chambel Leitão
- Luísa Paula Gonçalves Oliveira Valente da Cruz Lopes
- Lyudmyla Symochko
- Manuela Abelho
- Maria Adelaide Homem Perdigão Pito
- Maria Aires Pereira
- Maria Alexandra Oliveira
- Maria Amélia Moreira da Silva Diegues Ramos
- Maria Antónia da Conceição
- Maria Cristina Canavarro Teixeira
- Maria da Conceição da Costa Marques
- Maria de Fátima Martins Lorena de Oliveira
- Maria do Carmo Simões Mendonça Horta
- Maria Eduarda Moreno Silveira
- Maria Eduarda Nogueira Rodrigues
- Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves
- Maria Filomena Parreira Miguens
- Maria Inês Simões Brandão
- Maria Isabel Ribeiro Dinis
- Maria João da Cunha e Silva Reis Lima
- Maria João Silva
- Maria José Cunha
- Maria Justina Barbara Franco
- Maria Lúcia de Jesus Pato
- Maria Manuel Balseiro Vidal
- Maria Manuela Coelho Larguinho
- Maria Margarida Chagas Ataíde Ribeiro
- Maria Margarida da Costa Ferreira Correia de Oliveira
- Maria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
- Maria Paula Albuquerque Figueiredo Simões
- Maria Paula Pinto Amador
- Maria Paula S F S Pinto
- Maria Rosa Rebordão Cordeiro Simões Crisóstomo
- Maria Teresa Cruz Móia Cernadas
- Maria Teresa Durães Albquerque
- Maria Teresa Loureiro dos Santos
- Maria Teresa Pita Pegado Gonçalves Rodrigues Coelho
- Mariana Isabel Cunha Nogueira Almeida Monteiro
- Marta Helena Fernandes Henriques
- Marta Patrícia Carvalho dos Santos
- Maryam Abbasi
- Mauro Guilherme Pereira Nereu
- Miguel Ângelo Sousa Dias Ferreira da Mota
- Mónica Roldão Lemos de Almeida
- Morgana Weber Macena
- Natália Martins Roque
- Nuno Ribeiro
- Ofélia Maria Serralha dos Anjos
- Olga Manuela Simão Filipe
- Orlando Marcelino de Almeida Simões
- Paula Cristina Nunes Ferreira
- Paula Lúcia da Mata Silvério Ruivo
- Paula Maria dos Reis Correia
- Paulo Alexandre Justo Fernandez
- Paulo Barracosa Correia da Silva
- Paulo Henrique dos Santos
- Pedro Manuel Cardoso Ribeiro Moreira Soares
- Pedro Manuel Reis Mendes Moreira
- Pedro Martins Duarte
- Pedro Nuno d´Almeida Monteirinho Pinto Bravo
- Pedro Rodrigues
- R. Placido Roberto da Costa
- Raquel Costa Saraiva
- Raquel P. F. Guiné
- Ricardo Filipe Carreira Ramos
- Rosa Isabel Marques Mendes Guilherme
- Rosinda Leonor dos Santos Pato
- Rui Manuel Machado da Costa
- Ryunosuke Kikuchi
- Sandra Santos
- Sandrine Katy Matias da Ressurreição
- Sara Barbosa
- Sara Proença
- Sara Rute Monteiro da Silva e Sousa
- Sofia de Guiné e Florença
- Sofia Varela van Harten
- Sónia Luzia Claro de Pinho
- Soraia Inês Pedro
- Susana Pereira Dias
- Teresa Maria Pinto Coelho Amado Vasconcelos
- Vanda Maria Falcão Espada Lopes de Andrade
- Verónica Oliveira
- Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
- Vivina Almeida Carreira
- Yuliya Dulyanska
António Luís Pereira do Amaral

Antonio Luis Pereira do Amaral completed his Bachelor's degree in Biological Engineering in 1996, his Master's degree in Biological Engineering in 1999, and his Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering in 2003 at the University of Minho. From 2003 to 2023, he was a core member of the Center for Biological Engineering at the University of Minho. He is currently a Coordinating Professor at the Higher Institute of Engineering of Coimbra - Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, as well as an Integrated Researcher at the Center for Natural Resources, Environment, and Society (CERNAS).
He is the author of a total of 156 publications, which include 1 Master's thesis, 1 Doctoral thesis, 2 book chapters, 66 peer-reviewed journal articles, 84 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and 1 registered patent and utility model. He has presented 22 oral communications and 16 poster presentations, and has been a co-author of an additional 20 oral communications and 27 posters at peer-reviewed conferences. He has co-supervised 1 postdoctoral thesis, 3 doctoral theses, and 12 completed Master's dissertations, and has served as the principal examiner or a jury member for three doctoral theses and 29 Master's theses.
He has participated as a team member in 7 scientific research projects and 3 other funded strategic projects, as well as serving as the lead researcher on 2 funded scientific research projects. He has been a member of scientific committees for 31 scientific events, having reviewed a total of 87 articles for international peer-reviewed journals and 83 publications for peer-reviewed conferences.
His areas of expertise include the application of benchmarking techniques to water and sanitation management entities, methodologies for staining, microscopy, processing, and image analysis in biotechnological processes and wastewater treatment, as well as multivariate statistical techniques.
He is the author of a total of 156 publications, which include 1 Master's thesis, 1 Doctoral thesis, 2 book chapters, 66 peer-reviewed journal articles, 84 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and 1 registered patent and utility model. He has presented 22 oral communications and 16 poster presentations, and has been a co-author of an additional 20 oral communications and 27 posters at peer-reviewed conferences. He has co-supervised 1 postdoctoral thesis, 3 doctoral theses, and 12 completed Master's dissertations, and has served as the principal examiner or a jury member for three doctoral theses and 29 Master's theses.
He has participated as a team member in 7 scientific research projects and 3 other funded strategic projects, as well as serving as the lead researcher on 2 funded scientific research projects. He has been a member of scientific committees for 31 scientific events, having reviewed a total of 87 articles for international peer-reviewed journals and 83 publications for peer-reviewed conferences.
His areas of expertise include the application of benchmarking techniques to water and sanitation management entities, methodologies for staining, microscopy, processing, and image analysis in biotechnological processes and wastewater treatment, as well as multivariate statistical techniques.
Name: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-2927-6129
Scopus Number: 23003387900
Institucional Adress: CERNAS - Pólo de Coimbra | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | Rua Pedro Nunes – Quinta da Nora, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal | Google Maps: 40.192714, -8.411604
Email: lpamaral@isec.pt
Institutional Telephone: +351239802940
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-2927-6129
Scopus Number: 23003387900
Institucional Adress: CERNAS - Pólo de Coimbra | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | Rua Pedro Nunes – Quinta da Nora, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal | Google Maps: 40.192714, -8.411604
Email: lpamaral@isec.pt
Institutional Telephone: +351239802940
Cristina Quintelas, Cláudia Rodrigues, Clara Sousa, Eugénio C. FerreiraAntónio L. Amaral
Cookie composition analysis by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy coupled to chemometric analysis (2024)
Food Chemistry
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137607
Roxo, Ivo, Amaral, A. Luís, Portugal, António, Trovão, João
Draft genome sequence and comparative genomic analysis of Penicillium pancosmium MUM 23.27 isolated from raw honey (2024)
DOI: 10.1007/s00203-023-03766-8
António L. Amaral, Rita Martins, Luís C. Dias,
Operational drivers of water reuse efficiency in Portuguese wastewater service providers (2023)
Utilities Policy
DOI: 10.1016/j.jup.2023.101591
Braga, Adelaide, Mesquita, Daniela P., Cordeiro, Ana, Belo, IsabelFerreira, Eugénio C.Amaral, A. Luís
Monitoring biotechnological processes through quantitative image analysis: Application to 2-phenylethanol production by Yarrowia lipolytica (2023)
Process Biochemistry ,vol.129 , pp.221--229
DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2023.03.019
António L. Amaral, Rita Martins, Luís C. Dias,
Drivers of water utilities’ operational performance – An analysis from the Portuguese case (2023)
Journal of Cleaner Production
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136004
Roxo, Ivo, Amaral, António Luís, Portugal, António, Trovão, João
A checklist of fungi isolated from honey (2000–2022) (2023)
Studies in Fungi ,vol.8, 1 , pp.0--0
DOI: 10.48130/sif-2023-0014
Roxo, Ivo, Amaral, A. Luís, Portugal, António, Trovão, João
A preliminary metabarcoding analysis of Portuguese raw honeys (2023)
DOI: 10.1007/s00203-023-03725-3
Silva, S.A., Duarte, M.S., Amaral, Antonio, Ferreira, E.C.Alves, M.M.Mesquita, D.P.
Assessing the influence of long-chain fatty acids on aerobic granular sludge stability in a sequencing batch reactor (2023)
14th International Chemical Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2023
Amaral, Antonio, Martins, M.R., Dias, L.,
Influência da escala das entidades gestoras na eficiência de indicadores operacionais (2023)
Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Águas e Saneamento ENEG2023
Amaral, Antonio, Martins, M.R., Dias, L.,
Performance monitoring of Portuguese water supply service providers (2023)
International Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability ICEBRS2023
Mesquita, Daniela P., Quintelas, Cristina, Amaral, Antonio, Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Quantitative Image Analysis as a Valuable Tool to Assess Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems (2023)
Emerging Technologies in Wastewater Treatment , pp.227--249
DOI: 10.1201/9781003164982-15
Silva, S.A., Duarte, M.S., Amaral, Antonio, Ferreira, E.C.Lucas, M.S.Alves, M.M.Mesquita, D.P.Autor correspondente: Silva, S.A..
The effect of oleate in the biological nitrogen removal (2023)
8th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting PYChem2023
A. Luís Amaral, Rita Martins, Luís C. Dias,
Efficiency benchmarking of wastewater service providers: An analysis based on the Portuguese case (2022)
Journal of Environmental Management
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115914
Leal, Cristiano, del Río, Angeles Val, Mesquita, Daniela P., Amaral, António L.Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Prediction of sludge settleability, density and suspended solids of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2022)
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering ,vol.10, 2 , pp.107136
DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.107136
Joana G. Costa, Ana M.S. Paulo, Catarina L. Amorim, A. Luís AmaralPaula M.L. CastroEugénio C. FerreiraDaniela P. Mesquita
Quantitative image analysis as a robust tool to assess effluent quality from an aerobic granular sludge system treating industrial wastewater (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132773
Silva, Sérgio A., Val del Río, Angeles, Amaral, António L., Ferreira, Eugénio C.Madalena Alves, M.Mesquita, Daniela P.
Monitoring morphological changes from activated sludge to aerobic granular sludge under distinct organic loading rates and increasing minimal imposed sludge settling velocities through quantitative image analysis (2022)
Chemosphere ,vol.286 , pp.131637
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131637
Amaral, Antonio, Martins, M.R., Dias, L.,
Drivers of energy efficiency in the Portuguese water industry (2022)
5th International Conference on Energy and the Environment; Bringing Together Economics and Engineering ICEE2022
Luís Miguel Moura Neves de Castro, Pedro Jorge Borges Fontes Negrão Beirão, Paulo Ricardo Martins da Costa, Amaral, AntonioLuís Manuel Ferreira RoseiroMaria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
Processo de pré tratamento de efluentes líquidos para a indústria rolheira e sistema de pré-tratamento de efluentes (2022)
,vol., 116098
Pedro Jorge Borges Fontes Negrão Beirão, Luís Miguel Moura Neves de Castro, Amaral, Antonio, Luís Manuel Ferreira RoseiroRui Alexandre Nabais QuitérioCácio Alves AlmeidaMaria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
Sistema automático de seleção e tratamento de efluentes da lavação da indústria corticeira (2022)
,vol., 12075
Análise aos fatores explicativos dos indicadores operacionais no setor das águas residuais e de abastecimento (2021)
Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Água e Saneamento ENEG2021
Cristiano Leal, Angeles Val del Río, Eugénio C. Ferreira, Daniela MesquitaAntónio L. Amaral
Validation of a quantitative image analysis methodology for the assessment of the morphology and structure of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds (2021)
Environmental Technology & Innovation ,vol.23 , pp.101639
DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2021.101639
Leal, Cristiano S., Lopes, Mariana, Val del Río, Angeles, Quintelas, CristinaCastro, Paula M.L.Ferreira, Eugénio C.Amaral, A. LuísMesquita, Daniela P.
Assessment of an aerobic granular sludge system in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques (2021)
Journal of Environmental Management ,vol.289 , pp.112474
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112474
Efficiency benchmark of drinking water service providers in Portugal (2021)
5th International Conference on Water Economics Statistics and Finance | on Rethinking Treatment with Asset Management IWA2021
Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics (2021)
6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research: Energy and environment: challenges towards circular economy ICEER2019
Quintelas, C., Melo, A., Costa, M., Mesquita, D.P.Ferreira, E.C.Amaral, A.L.
Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid identification and quantification of emerging pollutants from wastewater using infrared spectroscopy (2020)
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology ,vol.80 , pp.103458
DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103458
Cristiano S. Leal, Daniela P. Mesquita, António Luís Amaral, Almerinda M. AmaralEugénio C. Ferreira
Environmental impact and biological removal processes of pharmaceutically active compounds: The particular case of sulfonamides, anticonvulsants and steroid estrogens (2020)
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology , pp.1--45
DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2019.1642831
Leal, Cristiano, Val del Río, Angeles, Mesquita, Daniela P., Amaral, António L.Castro, Paula M.L.Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2020)
Separation and Purification Technology ,vol.234 , pp.116049
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2019.116049
O projeto Lab2factory como motor da transferência de tecnologia do IPC para a sociedade (2020)
Investigação Aplicada no Politécnico de Coimbra: Coletânea de Estudos
Potencial de reutilização de águas residuais tratadas (2019)
Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Água e Saneamento ENASB2019
Quintelas, C., Mesquita, D.P., Ferreira, E.C., Amaral, A.L.
Quantification of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater samples by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) (2019)
Talanta ,vol.194 , pp.507--513
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.10.076
Avaliação da estação de tratamento de efluente por lodo ativado de uma indústria de peças automotivas na região metropolitana do grande Recife-PE através de análise de imagens dos micro-organismos (2019)
30º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental CBESA2019
Avaliação da estação de tratamento de efluente por lodo ativado de uma indústria de peças automotivas na região metropolitana do grande Recife-PE através de análise de imagens dos micro-organismos (2019)
30º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental COBEQ2019
Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics (2019)
6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research: Energy and environment: challenges towards circular economy ICEER2019
Quintelas, Cristina, Braga, Adelaide, Mesquita, Daniela P, Amaral, Antonio LFerreira, Eugenio CBelo, Isabel
NIR spectroscopy applied to the determination of 2-phenylethanol and l -phenylalanine concentrations in culture medium of Yarrowia lipolytica (2018)
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology ,vol.94, 3 , pp.812--818
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5827
A. Luís Amaral, Cristiano S. Leal, A. Isabel Vaz, J. Carvalho VieiraAndreia C. QuinteiroM. Lourdes CostaL. Miguel Castro
Use of chemometric analyses to assess biological wastewater treatment plants by protozoa and metazoa monitoring (2018)
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ,vol.190, 9
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-6882-1
Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2018)
13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2018
Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2018)
13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2018
Genisheva, Z., Quintelas, C., Mesquita, D.P., Ferreira, E.C.Oliveira, J.M.Amaral, A.L.
New PLS analysis approach to wine volatile compounds characterization by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) (2018)
Food Chemistry ,vol.246 , pp.172-178
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.11.015
Potencial de melhoria de eficiência do tratamento de águas residuais em Portugal (2018)
18º Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental ENASB2018
Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy (2018)
40th International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring ISEAC2018
Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy (2018)
40th International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring ISEAC2018
Utilização de análise de componentes principais (ACP) para sistemas de tratamento de efluente doméstico e industrial por lodo ativado no estado de Pernambuco (2018)
XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química COBEQ2018
Utilização de análise de componentes principais (ACP) para sistemas de tratamento de efluente doméstico e industrial por lodo ativado no estado de Pernambuco (2018)
XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química COBEQ2018
Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal (2017)
7th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2017
Mesquita, D.P., Quintelas, C., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.
Monitoring biological wastewater treatment processes: recent advances in spectroscopy applications (2017)
Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology ,vol.16, 3 , pp.395-424
DOI: 10.1007/s11157-017-9439-9
Amaral, A.L., Abreu, H., Leal, C., Mesquita, D.P.Castro, L.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Quantitative image analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoates inclusions from microbial mixed cultures under different SBR operation strategies (2017)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.24, 17 , pp.15148-15156
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9132-0
Wine chemical characterization by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometric analysis (2017)
Europes Analytical Chemistry Meeting EUROANALYSIS2017
Wine chemical characterization by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometric analysis (2017)
Europes Analytical Chemistry Meeting EUROANALYSIS2017
Assessment of biological wastewater treatment systems by protozoa and metazoa monitoring and chemometrics analysis (2016)
16th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2016
Assessment of biological wastewater treatment systems by protozoa and metazoa monitoring and chemometrics analysis (2016)
16th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2016
Mesquita, Daniela P., Luis Amaral, A., Ferreira, Eugenio C.,
Estimation of effluent quality parameters from an activated sludge system using quantitative image analysis (2016)
Chemical Engineering Journal ,vol.285 , pp.349-357
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.09.110
Leal, C., Amaral, A.L., Costa, M.L.,
Microbial-based evaluation of foaming events in full-scale wastewater treatment plants by microscopy survey and quantitative image analysis (2016)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.23, 15 , pp.15638-15650
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6750-x
Braga, A., Mesquita, D. P., Amaral, A. L., Ferreira, E. C.Belo, I.
Quantitative image analysis as a tool for Yarrowia lipolytica dimorphic growth evaluation in different culture media (2016)
Journal of Biotechnology ,vol.217 , pp.22-30
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.10.023
Braga, A., Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.Belo, I.
Aroma production by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and stirred tank bioreactors: Differences in yeast metabolism and morphology (2015)
Biochemical Engineering Journal ,vol.93 , pp.55-62
DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2014.09.006
Belo, Isabel, Braga, Adelaide, Mesquita, Daniela, Amaral, LuisFerreira, Eugenio
Comparison of aroma production from castor oil by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and STR bioreactors (2015)
Journal of Biotechnology
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.06.030
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Leal, C., Oehmen, A.Reis, M.A.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures using image analysis: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining (2015)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.865, 1 , pp.8-15
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2015.01.018
Development of an Image Analysis Methodology for Animal Cell Cultures Characterization (2014)
12th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2014
Development of an image analysis methodology for animal cell cultures characterization (2014)
12th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2014
Tavares, A.P.M., Silva, R.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.Xavier, A.M.R.B.
Image analysis technique as a tool to identify morphological changes in Trametes versicolor pellets according to exopolysaccharide or laccase production (2014)
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology ,vol.172, 4 , pp.2132-2142
DOI: 10.1007/s12010-013-0675-3
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Leal, C., Carvalheira, M.Cunha, J.R.Oehmen, A.Reis, M.A.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Monitoring intracellular polyphosphate accumulation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems by quantitative image analysis (2014)
Water Science and Technology ,vol.69, 11 , pp.2315-2323
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2014.146
Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining (2014)
XIV Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2014
11th IWA conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation ICA2013 (2013)
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.,
Activated sludge characterization through microscopy: A review on quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques (2013)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.802 , pp.14-28
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.09.016
Amaral, A.L., Mesquita, D.P., Ferreira, E.C.,
Automatic identification of activated sludge disturbances and assessment of operational parameters (2013)
Chemosphere ,vol.91, 5 , pp.705-710
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.12.066
Biopolymer monitoring using quantitative image analysis techniques (2013)
European Symposium on Biopolymers ESBP2013
Biopolymer monitoring using quantitative image analysis techniques (2013)
European Symposium on Biopolymers ESBP2013
Development of image analysis methodologies to quantify intracellular PHA, polyphosphate and glycogen within wastewater treatment plants (2013)
2nd International Conference on Water Research WRC2013
Development of image analysis methodologies to quantify intracellular PHA, polyphosphate and glycogen within wastewater treatment plants (2013)
2nd International Conference on Water Research WRC2013
Mesquita, D.P., Selvaggio, G., Cunha, J.R., Leal, C.S.Amaral, A.L.Ferreira, E.C.
Image analysis for automatic characterization of polyhydroxyalcanoates granules (2013)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) ,vol.7950 LNCS , pp.790-797
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39094-4_91
Intracellular poly-P assessment by DAPI staining and image analysis (2013)
26th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2013
Intracellular poly-P assessment by DAPI staining and image analysis (2013)
26th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2013
Mesquita, D.P., Leal, C., Cunha, J.R., Oehmen, A.Amaral, A.L.Reis, M.A.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2013)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.770 , pp.36-44
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.02.002
Costa, J.C., Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Alves, M.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Quantitative image analysis for the characterization of microbial aggregates in biological wastewater treatment: A review (2013)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.20, 9 , pp.5887-5912
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1824-5
Study of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia removal efficiencies by image analysis and multivariate statistics tools (2013)
26th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2013
Desenvolvimento de metodologias de análise de imagem para quantificar PHA, polifosfatos e glicogénio intracelular em estações de tratamento de águas residuais (2012)
15º Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental ENASB2012
Determination of stability in dressing salad lyophilized by digital image processing (2012)
16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology IUFOST2012
Determination of stability in dressing salad lyophilized by digital image processing (2012)
16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology IUFOST2012
Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2012)
13th Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2012
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.,
Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and chemometric techniques (2011)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.705, 1-2 , pp.235-242
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2011.05.050
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.,
Identifying different types of bulking in an activated sludge system through quantitative image analysis (2011)
Chemosphere ,vol.85, 4 , pp.643-652
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.07.012
Mesquita, D.P., Ribeiro, R.R., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.Coelho, M.A.Z.
Image analysis application for the study of activated sludge floc size during the treatment of synthetic and real fishery wastewaters (2011)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.18, 8 , pp.1390-1397
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0496-2
Polyphosphates and poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate granules identification through quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2011)
25th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2011
Polyphosphates and poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate granules identification through quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2011)
25th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTE2011
Quantitative image analysis for sludge volume index and total suspended solids prediction in activated sludge system disturbances (2011)
11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2011
Quantitative image analysis for sludge volume index and total suspended solids prediction in activated sludge system disturbances (2011)
10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2011
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.
A comparison between bright field and phase-contrast image analysis techniques in activated sludge morphological characterization (2010)
Microscopy and Microanalysis ,vol.16, 2 , pp.166-174
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927609991358
Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics (2010)
12th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2010
Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics (2010)
12th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2010
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Elias, R.A.V., Amaral, A.L.Ferreira, E.C.
Dilution and magnification effects on image analysis applications in activated sludge characterization (2010)
Microscopy and Microanalysis ,vol.16, 5 , pp.561-568
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927610093785
Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem (2010)
14º Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental ENASB2010
Monitoring a lab-scale activated sludge system using image analysis procedures: filamentous bulking and pin-point flocs phenomena (2010)
Water Research Conference WRC2010
Monitoring filamentous bulking and pin-point flocs in a lab-scale activated sludge system using image analysis (2010)
Water Research Conference WRC2010
Amaral, A.L., Rocha, O., Gonçalves, C., Ferreira, A.A.Ferreira, E.C.
Application of image analysis to the prediction of EBC barley kernel weight distribution (2009)
Industrial Crops and Products ,vol.30, 3 , pp.366-371
DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2009.07.003
Carneiro, S., Amaral, A.L., Veloso, A.C.A., Dias, T.Peres, A.M.Ferreira, E.C.Rocha, I.
Assessment of physiological conditions in E. Coli fermentations by epifluorescent microscopy and image analysis (2009)
Biotechnology Progress ,vol.25, 3 , pp.882-891
DOI: 10.1002/btpr.134
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Dias, A.M.A., Amaral, A.L.Ferreira, E.C.
Correlation between sludge settling ability and image analysis information using partial least squares (2009)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.642, 1-2 , pp.94-101
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.03.023
Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking (2009)
24th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2009
Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking (2009)
24th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2009
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.
Monitoring of activated sludge settling ability through image analysis: Validation on full-scale wastewater treatment plants (2009)
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering ,vol.32, 3 , pp.361-367
DOI: 10.1007/s00449-008-0255-z
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C., Coelho, M.A.Z.
Study of saline wastewater influence on activated sludge flocs through automated image analysis (2009)
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ,vol.84, 4 , pp.554-560
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.2078
Surveying a Wastewater Treatment Process through Image Analysis and Partial Least Squares (2009)
15th European Conference on Analytical Chemistry EUROANALYSIS2009
Cookie composition analysis by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy coupled to chemometric analysis (2024)
Food Chemistry
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137607
Roxo, Ivo, Amaral, A. Luís, Portugal, António, Trovão, João
Draft genome sequence and comparative genomic analysis of Penicillium pancosmium MUM 23.27 isolated from raw honey (2024)
DOI: 10.1007/s00203-023-03766-8
António L. Amaral, Rita Martins, Luís C. Dias,
Operational drivers of water reuse efficiency in Portuguese wastewater service providers (2023)
Utilities Policy
DOI: 10.1016/j.jup.2023.101591
Braga, Adelaide, Mesquita, Daniela P., Cordeiro, Ana, Belo, IsabelFerreira, Eugénio C.Amaral, A. Luís
Monitoring biotechnological processes through quantitative image analysis: Application to 2-phenylethanol production by Yarrowia lipolytica (2023)
Process Biochemistry ,vol.129 , pp.221--229
DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2023.03.019
António L. Amaral, Rita Martins, Luís C. Dias,
Drivers of water utilities’ operational performance – An analysis from the Portuguese case (2023)
Journal of Cleaner Production
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136004
Roxo, Ivo, Amaral, António Luís, Portugal, António, Trovão, João
A checklist of fungi isolated from honey (2000–2022) (2023)
Studies in Fungi ,vol.8, 1 , pp.0--0
DOI: 10.48130/sif-2023-0014
Roxo, Ivo, Amaral, A. Luís, Portugal, António, Trovão, João
A preliminary metabarcoding analysis of Portuguese raw honeys (2023)
DOI: 10.1007/s00203-023-03725-3
Silva, S.A., Duarte, M.S., Amaral, Antonio, Ferreira, E.C.Alves, M.M.Mesquita, D.P.
Assessing the influence of long-chain fatty acids on aerobic granular sludge stability in a sequencing batch reactor (2023)
14th International Chemical Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2023
Amaral, Antonio, Martins, M.R., Dias, L.,
Influência da escala das entidades gestoras na eficiência de indicadores operacionais (2023)
Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Águas e Saneamento ENEG2023
Amaral, Antonio, Martins, M.R., Dias, L.,
Performance monitoring of Portuguese water supply service providers (2023)
International Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability ICEBRS2023
Mesquita, Daniela P., Quintelas, Cristina, Amaral, Antonio, Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Quantitative Image Analysis as a Valuable Tool to Assess Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems (2023)
Emerging Technologies in Wastewater Treatment , pp.227--249
DOI: 10.1201/9781003164982-15
Silva, S.A., Duarte, M.S., Amaral, Antonio, Ferreira, E.C.Lucas, M.S.Alves, M.M.Mesquita, D.P.Autor correspondente: Silva, S.A..
The effect of oleate in the biological nitrogen removal (2023)
8th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting PYChem2023
A. Luís Amaral, Rita Martins, Luís C. Dias,
Efficiency benchmarking of wastewater service providers: An analysis based on the Portuguese case (2022)
Journal of Environmental Management
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115914
Leal, Cristiano, del Río, Angeles Val, Mesquita, Daniela P., Amaral, António L.Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Prediction of sludge settleability, density and suspended solids of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2022)
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering ,vol.10, 2 , pp.107136
DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.107136
Joana G. Costa, Ana M.S. Paulo, Catarina L. Amorim, A. Luís AmaralPaula M.L. CastroEugénio C. FerreiraDaniela P. Mesquita
Quantitative image analysis as a robust tool to assess effluent quality from an aerobic granular sludge system treating industrial wastewater (2022)
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132773
Silva, Sérgio A., Val del Río, Angeles, Amaral, António L., Ferreira, Eugénio C.Madalena Alves, M.Mesquita, Daniela P.
Monitoring morphological changes from activated sludge to aerobic granular sludge under distinct organic loading rates and increasing minimal imposed sludge settling velocities through quantitative image analysis (2022)
Chemosphere ,vol.286 , pp.131637
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131637
Amaral, Antonio, Martins, M.R., Dias, L.,
Drivers of energy efficiency in the Portuguese water industry (2022)
5th International Conference on Energy and the Environment; Bringing Together Economics and Engineering ICEE2022
Luís Miguel Moura Neves de Castro, Pedro Jorge Borges Fontes Negrão Beirão, Paulo Ricardo Martins da Costa, Amaral, AntonioLuís Manuel Ferreira RoseiroMaria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
Processo de pré tratamento de efluentes líquidos para a indústria rolheira e sistema de pré-tratamento de efluentes (2022)
,vol., 116098
Pedro Jorge Borges Fontes Negrão Beirão, Luís Miguel Moura Neves de Castro, Amaral, Antonio, Luís Manuel Ferreira RoseiroRui Alexandre Nabais QuitérioCácio Alves AlmeidaMaria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
Sistema automático de seleção e tratamento de efluentes da lavação da indústria corticeira (2022)
,vol., 12075
Análise aos fatores explicativos dos indicadores operacionais no setor das águas residuais e de abastecimento (2021)
Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Água e Saneamento ENEG2021
Cristiano Leal, Angeles Val del Río, Eugénio C. Ferreira, Daniela MesquitaAntónio L. Amaral
Validation of a quantitative image analysis methodology for the assessment of the morphology and structure of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds (2021)
Environmental Technology & Innovation ,vol.23 , pp.101639
DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2021.101639
Leal, Cristiano S., Lopes, Mariana, Val del Río, Angeles, Quintelas, CristinaCastro, Paula M.L.Ferreira, Eugénio C.Amaral, A. LuísMesquita, Daniela P.
Assessment of an aerobic granular sludge system in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques (2021)
Journal of Environmental Management ,vol.289 , pp.112474
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112474
Efficiency benchmark of drinking water service providers in Portugal (2021)
5th International Conference on Water Economics Statistics and Finance | on Rethinking Treatment with Asset Management IWA2021
Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics (2021)
6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research: Energy and environment: challenges towards circular economy ICEER2019
Quintelas, C., Melo, A., Costa, M., Mesquita, D.P.Ferreira, E.C.Amaral, A.L.
Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid identification and quantification of emerging pollutants from wastewater using infrared spectroscopy (2020)
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology ,vol.80 , pp.103458
DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103458
Cristiano S. Leal, Daniela P. Mesquita, António Luís Amaral, Almerinda M. AmaralEugénio C. Ferreira
Environmental impact and biological removal processes of pharmaceutically active compounds: The particular case of sulfonamides, anticonvulsants and steroid estrogens (2020)
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology , pp.1--45
DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2019.1642831
Leal, Cristiano, Val del Río, Angeles, Mesquita, Daniela P., Amaral, António L.Castro, Paula M.L.Ferreira, Eugénio C.
Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2020)
Separation and Purification Technology ,vol.234 , pp.116049
DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2019.116049
O projeto Lab2factory como motor da transferência de tecnologia do IPC para a sociedade (2020)
Investigação Aplicada no Politécnico de Coimbra: Coletânea de Estudos
Potencial de reutilização de águas residuais tratadas (2019)
Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Água e Saneamento ENASB2019
Quintelas, C., Mesquita, D.P., Ferreira, E.C., Amaral, A.L.
Quantification of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater samples by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) (2019)
Talanta ,vol.194 , pp.507--513
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.10.076
Avaliação da estação de tratamento de efluente por lodo ativado de uma indústria de peças automotivas na região metropolitana do grande Recife-PE através de análise de imagens dos micro-organismos (2019)
30º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental CBESA2019
Avaliação da estação de tratamento de efluente por lodo ativado de uma indústria de peças automotivas na região metropolitana do grande Recife-PE através de análise de imagens dos micro-organismos (2019)
30º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental COBEQ2019
Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics (2019)
6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research: Energy and environment: challenges towards circular economy ICEER2019
Quintelas, Cristina, Braga, Adelaide, Mesquita, Daniela P, Amaral, Antonio LFerreira, Eugenio CBelo, Isabel
NIR spectroscopy applied to the determination of 2-phenylethanol and l -phenylalanine concentrations in culture medium of Yarrowia lipolytica (2018)
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology ,vol.94, 3 , pp.812--818
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5827
A. Luís Amaral, Cristiano S. Leal, A. Isabel Vaz, J. Carvalho VieiraAndreia C. QuinteiroM. Lourdes CostaL. Miguel Castro
Use of chemometric analyses to assess biological wastewater treatment plants by protozoa and metazoa monitoring (2018)
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ,vol.190, 9
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-6882-1
Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2018)
13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2018
Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools (2018)
13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2018
Genisheva, Z., Quintelas, C., Mesquita, D.P., Ferreira, E.C.Oliveira, J.M.Amaral, A.L.
New PLS analysis approach to wine volatile compounds characterization by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) (2018)
Food Chemistry ,vol.246 , pp.172-178
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.11.015
Potencial de melhoria de eficiência do tratamento de águas residuais em Portugal (2018)
18º Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental ENASB2018
Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy (2018)
40th International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring ISEAC2018
Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy (2018)
40th International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring ISEAC2018
Utilização de análise de componentes principais (ACP) para sistemas de tratamento de efluente doméstico e industrial por lodo ativado no estado de Pernambuco (2018)
XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química COBEQ2018
Utilização de análise de componentes principais (ACP) para sistemas de tratamento de efluente doméstico e industrial por lodo ativado no estado de Pernambuco (2018)
XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química COBEQ2018
Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal (2017)
7th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2017
Mesquita, D.P., Quintelas, C., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.
Monitoring biological wastewater treatment processes: recent advances in spectroscopy applications (2017)
Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology ,vol.16, 3 , pp.395-424
DOI: 10.1007/s11157-017-9439-9
Amaral, A.L., Abreu, H., Leal, C., Mesquita, D.P.Castro, L.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Quantitative image analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoates inclusions from microbial mixed cultures under different SBR operation strategies (2017)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.24, 17 , pp.15148-15156
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9132-0
Wine chemical characterization by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometric analysis (2017)
Europes Analytical Chemistry Meeting EUROANALYSIS2017
Wine chemical characterization by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometric analysis (2017)
Europes Analytical Chemistry Meeting EUROANALYSIS2017
Assessment of biological wastewater treatment systems by protozoa and metazoa monitoring and chemometrics analysis (2016)
16th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2016
Assessment of biological wastewater treatment systems by protozoa and metazoa monitoring and chemometrics analysis (2016)
16th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2016
Mesquita, Daniela P., Luis Amaral, A., Ferreira, Eugenio C.,
Estimation of effluent quality parameters from an activated sludge system using quantitative image analysis (2016)
Chemical Engineering Journal ,vol.285 , pp.349-357
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.09.110
Leal, C., Amaral, A.L., Costa, M.L.,
Microbial-based evaluation of foaming events in full-scale wastewater treatment plants by microscopy survey and quantitative image analysis (2016)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.23, 15 , pp.15638-15650
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6750-x
Braga, A., Mesquita, D. P., Amaral, A. L., Ferreira, E. C.Belo, I.
Quantitative image analysis as a tool for Yarrowia lipolytica dimorphic growth evaluation in different culture media (2016)
Journal of Biotechnology ,vol.217 , pp.22-30
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.10.023
Braga, A., Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.Belo, I.
Aroma production by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and stirred tank bioreactors: Differences in yeast metabolism and morphology (2015)
Biochemical Engineering Journal ,vol.93 , pp.55-62
DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2014.09.006
Belo, Isabel, Braga, Adelaide, Mesquita, Daniela, Amaral, LuisFerreira, Eugenio
Comparison of aroma production from castor oil by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and STR bioreactors (2015)
Journal of Biotechnology
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.06.030
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Leal, C., Oehmen, A.Reis, M.A.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures using image analysis: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining (2015)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.865, 1 , pp.8-15
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2015.01.018
Development of an Image Analysis Methodology for Animal Cell Cultures Characterization (2014)
12th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2014
Development of an image analysis methodology for animal cell cultures characterization (2014)
12th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2014
Tavares, A.P.M., Silva, R.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.Xavier, A.M.R.B.
Image analysis technique as a tool to identify morphological changes in Trametes versicolor pellets according to exopolysaccharide or laccase production (2014)
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology ,vol.172, 4 , pp.2132-2142
DOI: 10.1007/s12010-013-0675-3
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Leal, C., Carvalheira, M.Cunha, J.R.Oehmen, A.Reis, M.A.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Monitoring intracellular polyphosphate accumulation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems by quantitative image analysis (2014)
Water Science and Technology ,vol.69, 11 , pp.2315-2323
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2014.146
Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining (2014)
XIV Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2014
11th IWA conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation ICA2013 (2013)
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.,
Activated sludge characterization through microscopy: A review on quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques (2013)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.802 , pp.14-28
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.09.016
Amaral, A.L., Mesquita, D.P., Ferreira, E.C.,
Automatic identification of activated sludge disturbances and assessment of operational parameters (2013)
Chemosphere ,vol.91, 5 , pp.705-710
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.12.066
Biopolymer monitoring using quantitative image analysis techniques (2013)
European Symposium on Biopolymers ESBP2013
Biopolymer monitoring using quantitative image analysis techniques (2013)
European Symposium on Biopolymers ESBP2013
Development of image analysis methodologies to quantify intracellular PHA, polyphosphate and glycogen within wastewater treatment plants (2013)
2nd International Conference on Water Research WRC2013
Development of image analysis methodologies to quantify intracellular PHA, polyphosphate and glycogen within wastewater treatment plants (2013)
2nd International Conference on Water Research WRC2013
Mesquita, D.P., Selvaggio, G., Cunha, J.R., Leal, C.S.Amaral, A.L.Ferreira, E.C.
Image analysis for automatic characterization of polyhydroxyalcanoates granules (2013)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) ,vol.7950 LNCS , pp.790-797
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39094-4_91
Intracellular poly-P assessment by DAPI staining and image analysis (2013)
26th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2013
Intracellular poly-P assessment by DAPI staining and image analysis (2013)
26th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2013
Mesquita, D.P., Leal, C., Cunha, J.R., Oehmen, A.Amaral, A.L.Reis, M.A.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2013)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.770 , pp.36-44
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.02.002
Costa, J.C., Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Alves, M.M.Ferreira, E.C.
Quantitative image analysis for the characterization of microbial aggregates in biological wastewater treatment: A review (2013)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.20, 9 , pp.5887-5912
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1824-5
Study of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia removal efficiencies by image analysis and multivariate statistics tools (2013)
26th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2013
Desenvolvimento de metodologias de análise de imagem para quantificar PHA, polifosfatos e glicogénio intracelular em estações de tratamento de águas residuais (2012)
15º Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental ENASB2012
Determination of stability in dressing salad lyophilized by digital image processing (2012)
16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology IUFOST2012
Determination of stability in dressing salad lyophilized by digital image processing (2012)
16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology IUFOST2012
Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2012)
13th Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2012
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.,
Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and chemometric techniques (2011)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.705, 1-2 , pp.235-242
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2011.05.050
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.,
Identifying different types of bulking in an activated sludge system through quantitative image analysis (2011)
Chemosphere ,vol.85, 4 , pp.643-652
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.07.012
Mesquita, D.P., Ribeiro, R.R., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.Coelho, M.A.Z.
Image analysis application for the study of activated sludge floc size during the treatment of synthetic and real fishery wastewaters (2011)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research ,vol.18, 8 , pp.1390-1397
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0496-2
Polyphosphates and poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate granules identification through quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2011)
25th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2011
Polyphosphates and poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate granules identification through quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (2011)
25th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTE2011
Quantitative image analysis for sludge volume index and total suspended solids prediction in activated sludge system disturbances (2011)
11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2011
Quantitative image analysis for sludge volume index and total suspended solids prediction in activated sludge system disturbances (2011)
10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR2011
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.
A comparison between bright field and phase-contrast image analysis techniques in activated sludge morphological characterization (2010)
Microscopy and Microanalysis ,vol.16, 2 , pp.166-174
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927609991358
Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics (2010)
12th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2010
Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics (2010)
12th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry CAC2010
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Elias, R.A.V., Amaral, A.L.Ferreira, E.C.
Dilution and magnification effects on image analysis applications in activated sludge characterization (2010)
Microscopy and Microanalysis ,vol.16, 5 , pp.561-568
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927610093785
Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem (2010)
14º Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico / Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental ENASB2010
Monitoring a lab-scale activated sludge system using image analysis procedures: filamentous bulking and pin-point flocs phenomena (2010)
Water Research Conference WRC2010
Monitoring filamentous bulking and pin-point flocs in a lab-scale activated sludge system using image analysis (2010)
Water Research Conference WRC2010
Amaral, A.L., Rocha, O., Gonçalves, C., Ferreira, A.A.Ferreira, E.C.
Application of image analysis to the prediction of EBC barley kernel weight distribution (2009)
Industrial Crops and Products ,vol.30, 3 , pp.366-371
DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2009.07.003
Carneiro, S., Amaral, A.L., Veloso, A.C.A., Dias, T.Peres, A.M.Ferreira, E.C.Rocha, I.
Assessment of physiological conditions in E. Coli fermentations by epifluorescent microscopy and image analysis (2009)
Biotechnology Progress ,vol.25, 3 , pp.882-891
DOI: 10.1002/btpr.134
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Dias, A.M.A., Amaral, A.L.Ferreira, E.C.
Correlation between sludge settling ability and image analysis information using partial least squares (2009)
Analytica Chimica Acta ,vol.642, 1-2 , pp.94-101
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.03.023
Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking (2009)
24th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2009
Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking (2009)
24th Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology MICROBIOTEC2009
Mesquita, D.P., Dias, O., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C.
Monitoring of activated sludge settling ability through image analysis: Validation on full-scale wastewater treatment plants (2009)
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering ,vol.32, 3 , pp.361-367
DOI: 10.1007/s00449-008-0255-z
Mesquita, D.P., Amaral, A.L., Ferreira, E.C., Coelho, M.A.Z.
Study of saline wastewater influence on activated sludge flocs through automated image analysis (2009)
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ,vol.84, 4 , pp.554-560
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.2078
Surveying a Wastewater Treatment Process through Image Analysis and Partial Least Squares (2009)
15th European Conference on Analytical Chemistry EUROANALYSIS2009
Lab2factory- Reforço da transferência de conhecimento científico e tecnológico para as fileiras agro-alimentar e florestal
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2016 - 12/2018
Project Code: CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000020
BioTecNorte - Underpinning Biotechnology to foster the north of Portugal bioeconomy
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2015 - 12/2018
Project Code: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004
Funding of RD Units Strategic Plan - 2013/2015 - OE
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2014 - 12/2016
Project Code: UID/BIO/04469/2013
Strategic Project - LA 23 (2013-2014)
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2012 - 12/2013
Project Code: PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013
Study of the operation of SBRs for enhanced phosphorous removal and for PHA production by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2009 - 12/2013
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/103147/PT
OLIVPOL - Polyurethane foams and thermoplastic composites from oxypropylated olive-stones
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2008 - 12/2010
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/71491/PT
Optimization of Conditions for the Productions of Mead
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2006 - 12/2009
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/68284/PT
Laboratório de Polímeros
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2005 - 12/2006
Project Code: Ciência Viva CV/PVI/1386
Monitoring of a Wastewater Treatment Plant by Image Analysis Techniques
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2004 - 12/2007
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/POCI/57069/PT
IMANFISH-Integration of image analysis, FISH techniques and physiological activity to monitor anaerobic digestion processes
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2002 - 12/2004
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/POCI/37934/PT
Image Analysis Characterization of Morphology and Physiology of Microorganisms used in Wastewater Treatment Processes
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/1997 - 12/2000
Project Code: 203 B4 (ICCTI / Embaixada de França)
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2016 - 12/2018
Project Code: CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000020
BioTecNorte - Underpinning Biotechnology to foster the north of Portugal bioeconomy
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2015 - 12/2018
Project Code: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004
Funding of RD Units Strategic Plan - 2013/2015 - OE
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2014 - 12/2016
Project Code: UID/BIO/04469/2013
Strategic Project - LA 23 (2013-2014)
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2012 - 12/2013
Project Code: PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013
Study of the operation of SBRs for enhanced phosphorous removal and for PHA production by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2009 - 12/2013
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/103147/PT
OLIVPOL - Polyurethane foams and thermoplastic composites from oxypropylated olive-stones
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2008 - 12/2010
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/71491/PT
Optimization of Conditions for the Productions of Mead
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2006 - 12/2009
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/68284/PT
Laboratório de Polímeros
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2005 - 12/2006
Project Code: Ciência Viva CV/PVI/1386
Monitoring of a Wastewater Treatment Plant by Image Analysis Techniques
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2004 - 12/2007
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/POCI/57069/PT
IMANFISH-Integration of image analysis, FISH techniques and physiological activity to monitor anaerobic digestion processes
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2002 - 12/2004
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/POCI/37934/PT
Image Analysis Characterization of Morphology and Physiology of Microorganisms used in Wastewater Treatment Processes
Investigador Coordenador/Principal: António Luís Pereira do Amaral
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/1997 - 12/2000
Project Code: 203 B4 (ICCTI / Embaixada de França)