Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society

Fernando Alexandre Almeida Esteves

Fernando Alexandre Almeida Esteves
Fernando Alexandre de Almeida Esteves, Veterinarian, Graduated from UTAD in 1993, Master in Animal Production, from the University of the Azores in 2009. Specialist in veterinary care by IPV in 2010.PhD in Veterinary Sciences in 2021 from UTAD.
He is currently Adjunct Professor at the Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu, on a non-exclusive basis.
He has been the Coordinator Veterinary Doctor of the ADS / OPP of the Serra da Estrela National Association of Sheep Breeders (ANCOSE), since 1998.
Clinical Director of the Dão Veterinary Clinic in Nelas since 2014
It is listed on his CV the participation in several research projects and the dissemination of results through publications in various formats, including book chapters and scientific articles in international ISI journals, as well as communications at national and international scientific events.
The research work carried out is essentially focused on maintaining animal health, studying zoonoses with an impact on public and environmental health, mainly related to emerging diseases in small ruminants.