Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society

Luis Miguel Moura Neves de Castro

Luis Miguel Moura Neves de Castro
Luís Miguel Castro, has a PhD in Applied Sciences for the Environment, and a degree in Chemical Engineering. He is a Coordinator Professor at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra/IPC. Develops work in the areas of industrial liquid and gaseous effluent treatment systems, environmental management and environmental sustainability. He is the head of the LTA – Environmental Technology Laboratory, integrated in I2A. He is a PCIP Verifier qualified by Environmental Portuguese Agency (APA - Certificate no. 33/PCIP) for the following sector groups: d): Metal Production and Transformation and Surface Treatment Sector (categories 2 and 6.7); e): Waste Management Sector (category 5); and i) Textile, Tanneries and other sectors not previously included (PCIP categories 6.2, 6.3, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11). Carrying out PCIP audits on behalf of ISEC since 2020. He is an Environmental Technical Auditor and Environmental Coordinator Auditor of Environmental Management Systems, in accordance with ISO 14001, and Coordinator Auditor of Research, Development and Innovation (IDI) Management Systems, in accordance with NP 4457, having audited more than three hundred industrial companies. He is an integrated researcher at CERNAS and is a member of the SiSus Laboratory – Sustainable Industrial Solutions. He has published 41 international articles with Scopus indexing, H-index 11 and is co-author of 5 national and 2 international patents. He is currently co-supervisor of 2 doctoral students who carry out experimental work at ISEC/IPC in partnership with industrial companies and has been, since 2015, the principal investigator of more than 16 research projects directly funded by industry and supported by ANI/IAPMEI.