Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society

Ofélia Maria Serralha dos Anjos

Ofélia Maria Serralha dos Anjos
Ofélia Anjos has a degree in Forest Engineering - Forest Technology (1991) from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA/UTL), a master's degree in Science and Technology of Paper and Forest Products (1993) from the Universidade da Beira Interior and Universidade de Aveiro and a PhD in Materials Engineering (2002) from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UTL). He is a Coordinating Professor with a permanent appointment. She is also a collaborating researcher of the Center for Forestry Studies (CEF), belonging to the ForTec: Forest Products and Biorefineries research group. He was the main coordinator of 1 national project funded by the National Beekeeping Plan, coordinated the IPCB/ESA team for several projects, and was also part of the team for several projects. He is currently the Leader of the Pollen Group of the International Honey Commission. He is currently Convenor of the WG3: Pollen; International Organization for Standardization, ISO: ISO/TC 34/SC 19; Bee products. In these years of work, she has contributed to the preparation of 100 articles (90 in JCR journals), 1 international book on cork, 9 book chapters, presented 38 oral communications by invitation and presented around 220 papers at international and national conferences (123 oral communications). In his teaching activity, he has collaborated on courses in the scientific areas of Forestry Engineering and Food Engineering. He has supervised more than 120 bachelor's and 27 master's theses and is currently co-supervising 2 doctoral theses. He has held institutional positions and has been elected to various advisory and management bodies at IPCB/ESA. His area of research has focused on industrial technology, namely forestry technology (mainly cork and pulp and paper and extractives) and food technology (mainly alcoholic beverages, spirits and wine, and hive products) including the development of new cork products. The work in different areas has, however, been carried out from an integrated and multidisciplinary perspective. Concerning analytical methodologies, the main focus has been on spectroscopy techniques (FTIR, NIR, and RAMAN) and chromatography in various matrices.