Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society
CERNAS is a research unit hosted by four institutions: the Polytechnic University of Coimbra (IPC), through the Coimbra Agriculture School (ESAC), the Polytechnic University of Castelo Branco (IPCB), through the Castelo Branco Agriculture School (ESACB), the Polytechnic University of Viseu (IPV), through the Viseu Agriculture School (ESAV) and the Viseu Technology and Management School (ESTGV), and the Polytechnic University of Santarém (IPSantarém) through the Santarém Agriculture School (ESAS).
The hosting institutions have built along their history strong networks with the local agricultural enterprises and associations and this fact confers to CERNAS a very strong and active role within the production system.
All hosting institutions (IPC, IPCB, IPV and IPS) share their resources with CERNAS, allowing their staff to join the CERNAS research team, and allowing the use of their research and development equipment and infrastructures, including laboratories, pilots and field trials.
Furthermore, the hosting institutions assure the needed support structures in what concerns the administrative, financial and communication services. This includes the use of the documental management system and the financial management system, to provide the consistence required to fulfill FCT demands. In addition, the host institutions provide privileged access to the existing infrastructures devoted to the fostering of entrepreneurship, which will allow the implementation of a consequent strategy allowing the blossom of technology-based startup companies and their development towards spin-off enterprises. These symbioses have and will allow the implementation of CERNAS strategy under the scope of CERNAS aim to become a major player in the sustainable development of the Central Region.