- All members
- Abel Veloso
- Adélcia Veiga
- Álvaro Fernández Braña
- Ana Calado Lopes
- Ana Cristina Araújo Veloso
- Ana Cristina Ferrão Silva
- Ana Cristina Pais Mega de Andrade
- Ana Lúcia Baltazar Santos
- Ana Maria Valado
- Ana Matos
- Ana Ramalho
- Ana Raquel Ferreira Rodrigues
- Ana Rita Simões Ferraz
- Ana Sofia Fajardo
- Ana Teresa Bernardo Guia
- Andreia Patrícia Duarte Santos
- Anne Karine Boulet
- António Canatário Duarte
- António de Fátima de Melo Antunes Pinto
- António José Dinis Ferreira
- António Luís Pereira do Amaral
- Antonio Manuel Cardoso Monteiro
- António Manuel de Almeida Martins
- António Manuel Moitinho Nogueira Rodrigues
- António Manuel Santos Tomás Jordão
- António Manuel Terrão Russo
- António Pedro Andrade Vicente
- Arona Figueroa Pires
- Artur Figueiredo Costa Saraiva
- Bruno Miguel Morais Esteves
- Carla Margarida Marques Rodrigues
- Carla Moura
- Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira
- Carla Varanda
- Carlos José Dias Pereira
- Carlos Manuel Gaspar dos Reis
- Catarina Barros Afonso
- Catarina Coelho
- Catarina Flores
- Celestino Almeida
- Célia Dias Ferreira
- Christophe Espírito Santo
- Clara Margarida Pisco Viseu
- Cláudia Adriana Fernandes Vitória
- Cláudia Marisa Barreiros Neves
- Cláudia Susana Pereira dos Santos
- Cristiano da Silva Leal
- Cristina Amaro da Costa
- Cristina Maria Baptista Santos Pintado
- Cristina Maria Martins Alegria
- Cristina MR Caridade
- Daniel Roque Gomes
- Daniela de Vasconcelos Teixeira Aguiar da Costa
- Daniela Santos
- Deolinda Maria Fonseca Alberto
- Dionatan Gerber
- Dulcineia Ferreira Wessel
- Edite Teixeira-Lemos
- Élia Simões Fogeiro
- Elisabete Dinora Caldas de Freitas
- Elisabete Maria da Fonseca Correia
- Emilio Rosales Villanueva
- Fabiano Dahlke
- Fernanda Delgado
- Fernando Alexandre Almeida Esteves
- Fernando Jorge Gonçalves
- Filipa Alexandra Duque Fonseca
- Filipa Inês de Oliveira Pitacas
- Filipe António Miranda de Melo
- Filipe José Nogueira Madeira
- Filomena Gomes
- Francisco José Matias Marques
- Frederico Miguel Santos
- Goreti Maria dos Anjos Botelho
- Guilherme Furtado
- Hélder Viana
- Helena Maria de Paiva Martins Esteves Correia
- Helena Maria Vala Correia
- Hélia Sofia Duarte Canas Marchante
- Idalina de Jesus Domingos
- Igor Alexandre Silva Dias
- Inês Amorim Leitão
- Inês de Aragão Pacheco Morais Magro da Costa Pereira
- Isabel Cristina Castanheira e Silva
- Isabel Maria Melo Mendes dos Passos
- Isabel Maria Nunes da Rosa Dias Duarte
- Ivo Manuel Mira Abreu Rodrigues
- Joana Amaro Ribeiro
- Joana Jorge de Queiroz Leite
- Joana Lobo Fernandes
- Joana Seabra Pulido Neves Costa
- João André Evaristo de Matos Gago
- João Carlos Gonçalves
- João Manuel Rodrigues Ferreira de Oliveira
- João Paulo Baptista Carneiro
- João Rafael Pedra Trindade Silva
- Joaquim Sande Silva
- Jorge Belarmino Ferreira de Oliveira
- Jorge Manuel Vieira Moreira
- Jorge Varejão
- José Carlos Gonçalves
- José Luís da Silva Pereira
- José Manuel Gomes Moreira da Costa
- José Manuel Monteiro Gonçalves
- José Pedro de Matos Nogueira Amaro
- José Vicente Rodrigues Ferreira
- Kiril Bahcevandziev
- Lara Campos
- Liliana Neto Duarte
- Luís André Martins Esteves de Queirós
- Luís Carlos da Costa Coelho
- Luís Cláudio de Brito Brandão Guerreiro Quinta-Nova
- Luís Miguel Lima Valença Pinto
- Luis Miguel Moura Neves de Castro
- Luís Pedro Mota Pinto de Andrade
- Luís Roseiro
- Luísa Alexandra Serrano Paulo
- Luísa Chambel Leitão
- Luísa Paula Gonçalves Oliveira Valente da Cruz Lopes
- Lyudmyla Symochko
- Manuela Abelho
- Maria Adelaide Homem Perdigão Pito
- Maria Aires Pereira
- Maria Alexandra Oliveira
- Maria Amélia Moreira da Silva Diegues Ramos
- Maria Antónia da Conceição
- Maria Cristina Canavarro Teixeira
- Maria da Conceição da Costa Marques
- Maria de Fátima Martins Lorena de Oliveira
- Maria do Carmo Simões Mendonça Horta
- Maria Eduarda Moreno Silveira
- Maria Eduarda Nogueira Rodrigues
- Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves
- Maria Filomena Parreira Miguens
- Maria Inês Simões Brandão
- Maria Isabel Ribeiro Dinis
- Maria João da Cunha e Silva Reis Lima
- Maria João Silva
- Maria José Cunha
- Maria Justina Barbara Franco
- Maria Lúcia de Jesus Pato
- Maria Manuel Balseiro Vidal
- Maria Manuela Coelho Larguinho
- Maria Margarida Chagas Ataíde Ribeiro
- Maria Margarida da Costa Ferreira Correia de Oliveira
- Maria Nazaré Coelho Marques Pinheiro
- Maria Paula Albuquerque Figueiredo Simões
- Maria Paula Pinto Amador
- Maria Paula S F S Pinto
- Maria Rosa Rebordão Cordeiro Simões Crisóstomo
- Maria Teresa Cruz Móia Cernadas
- Maria Teresa Durães Albquerque
- Maria Teresa Loureiro dos Santos
- Maria Teresa Pita Pegado Gonçalves Rodrigues Coelho
- Mariana Isabel Cunha Nogueira Almeida Monteiro
- Marta Helena Fernandes Henriques
- Marta Patrícia Carvalho dos Santos
- Maryam Abbasi
- Mauro Guilherme Pereira Nereu
- Miguel Ângelo Sousa Dias Ferreira da Mota
- Mónica Roldão Lemos de Almeida
- Morgana Weber Macena
- Natália Martins Roque
- Nuno Ribeiro
- Ofélia Maria Serralha dos Anjos
- Olga Manuela Simão Filipe
- Orlando Marcelino de Almeida Simões
- Paula Cristina Nunes Ferreira
- Paula Lúcia da Mata Silvério Ruivo
- Paula Maria dos Reis Correia
- Paulo Alexandre Justo Fernandez
- Paulo Barracosa Correia da Silva
- Paulo Henrique dos Santos
- Pedro Manuel Cardoso Ribeiro Moreira Soares
- Pedro Manuel Reis Mendes Moreira
- Pedro Martins Duarte
- Pedro Nuno d´Almeida Monteirinho Pinto Bravo
- Pedro Rodrigues
- R. Placido Roberto da Costa
- Raquel Costa Saraiva
- Raquel P. F. Guiné
- Ricardo Filipe Carreira Ramos
- Rosa Isabel Marques Mendes Guilherme
- Rosinda Leonor dos Santos Pato
- Rui Manuel Machado da Costa
- Ryunosuke Kikuchi
- Sandra Santos
- Sandrine Katy Matias da Ressurreição
- Sara Barbosa
- Sara Proença
- Sara Rute Monteiro da Silva e Sousa
- Sofia de Guiné e Florença
- Sofia Varela van Harten
- Sónia Luzia Claro de Pinho
- Soraia Inês Pedro
- Susana Pereira Dias
- Teresa Maria Pinto Coelho Amado Vasconcelos
- Vanda Maria Falcão Espada Lopes de Andrade
- Verónica Oliveira
- Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho
- Vivina Almeida Carreira
- Yuliya Dulyanska
António José Dinis Ferreira

Scientific Coordinator of CERNAS (2013 to the present), Coordinator of the Master Course on Environmental Management at ESAC/IPC, has participated in over 35 projects financed by the European Union and the Portuguese Government. He has a wide experience of research in Africa and South America. With more than 60 papers in international journals and book chapters, and more than 150 other scientific and technique papers. He was awarded the prize for best PhD in Global Change held in Portugal from 1995 to 2000, and recently won the Energy Globe Award 2006 for Portugal with a project in the area of Environmental Management. He coordinated a Life Environmental project that was considered by the European Commission as one of the Best Life Environmental Projects in 2007-2008.
Name: António José Dinis Ferreira
ORCID Number: 0000-0001-5686-9192
Scopus Number: 7402999768
Institucional Adress: CERNAS - Pólo de Coimbra | Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra | Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal | Google Maps: 40.211072,-8.452468
Email: aferreira@esac.pt
Institutional Telephone: +351239802940
ORCID Number: 0000-0001-5686-9192
Scopus Number: 7402999768
Institucional Adress: CERNAS - Pólo de Coimbra | Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra | Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal | Google Maps: 40.211072,-8.452468
Email: aferreira@esac.pt
Institutional Telephone: +351239802940
José Ferreira, Lenise Santos, Miguel Ferreira, António FerreiraIdalina Domingos
Environmental Assessment of Pig Manure Treatment Systems through Life Cycle Assessment: A Mini-Review (2024)
DOI: 10.3390/su16093521
António Ferreira, Anne Karine Boulet, Arlindo Ribeiro, Fabio FonsecaPedro FragaSandra MafraFilipe CustódioFernando SilvaGil AguilarMario AntunesMarisa MaximianoPedro SantosRicardo CaçãoPedro Relvão
IoT technologies to access urban environment. (2023)
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1491
Anne Karine Boulet, António Ferreira, Arlindo Ribeiro, Fabio FonsecaPedro FragaSandra MafraFilipe CustódioFernando SilvaGil AguilarMario AntunesMarisa MaximianoPedro SantosPedro RelvãoRicardo Cação
Strategies to overcome problems in implementing IoT technologies to access urban environment (2023)
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1482
Paula Lorenzo, Rosa Guilherme, Sara Barbosa, Antonio FerreiraCristina Galhano
Agri-Food Waste as a Method for Weed Control and Soil Amendment in Crops (2022)
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy12051184
António Ferreira,
Soil and climate interactions in the Mediterranean. Are we heading for disaster? (2022)
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13285
Inês Amorim Leitão, António Dinis Ferreira,
Risco ambiental de poluição por microplásticos: a importância da análise de distribuição espacial (2021)
DOI: 10.34037/978-989-9053-04-5_1.1_17
Anne-Karine Boulet, Mitas E. Rial-Rivas, Carla Ferreira, Celeste O. A. CoelhoZahra KalantariJan Jacob KeizerAntónio J. D. Ferreira
Hydrological Processes in Eucalypt and Pine Forested Headwater Catchments within Mediterranean Region (2021)
DOI: 10.3390/w13101418
Maria de Fátima Oliveira, Sérgio Oliveira, António Russo, Kiril BahcevandzievAna Bela LopesJosé M. GonçalvesAntónio Dinis FerreiraPedro Arnaldo Reis
Risks Perceptions on Rice Production: Baixo Mondego, Portugal (2021)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-75315-3_13
Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho, Antonio Ferreira,
Forest Resources Management and Sustainability: The Specific Case of European Union Countries (2020)
DOI: 10.3390/su13010058
Carla S.Ferreira, Sandra Mourato, Milica Kasanin-Grubin, António J.D. FerreiraGeorgia DestouniZahra Kalantari
Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in Mitigating Flood Hazard in a Mediterranean Peri-Urban Catchment (2020)
DOI: 10.3390/w12102893
C.S.S. Ferreira, R.P.D. Walsh, Z. Kalantari, A.J.D. Ferreira
Impact of Land-Use Changes on Spatiotemporal Suspended Sediment Dynamics within a Peri-Urban Catchment (2020)
DOI: 10.3390/w12030665
Maria de Fátima Martins Lorena de Oliveira, Francisco Gomes da Silva, Susana Ferreira, Margarida TeixeiraHenrique DamásioAntonio FerreiraJosé Manuel Gonçalves
Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture: Case Study of Lis Valley Irrigation District, Portugal (2019)
DOI: 10.3390/su11020331
Leitão, I.A., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D.,
Assessing long-term changes in potential ecosystem services of a peri-urbanizing Mediterranean catchment (2019)
Science of the Total Environment ,vol.660 , pp.993-1003
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.088
Ferreira, C.S.S., Moruzzi, R., Isidoro, J.M.G.P., Tudor, M.Vargas, M.Ferreira, A.J.D.de Lima, J.L.M.P.
Impacts of distinct spatial arrangements of impervious surfaces on runoff and sediment fluxes from laboratory experiments (2019)
Anthropocene ,vol.28
DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2019.100219
Boulet, Anne-Karine,
Runoff generation under eucalypts and pines at the tree to catchment scale (2019)
Gonçalves, Ana Patrícia Neves,
A estrutura ecológica municipal e os recursos hídricos (2018)
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Ferreira, A.J.D.,
Degradation in urban areas (2018)
Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health ,vol.5 , pp.19-25
DOI: 10.1016/j.coesh.2018.04.001
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Steenhuis, T.S., Ferreira, A.J.D.
Effect of Peri-urban Development and Lithology on Streamflow in a Mediterranean Catchment (2018)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.29, 4 , pp.1141-1153
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2810
Vicente, Keila Marise Sanches Barbosa,
Implementação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental segundo a NP ISSO 14001:2015 na Direção Nacional do Ambiente em Cabo Verde (2018)
Ferreira, C.S.S., Keizer, J.J., Santos, L.M.B., Serpa, D.Silva, V.Cerqueira, M.Ferreira, A.J.D.Abrantes, N.
Runoff, sediment and nutrient exports from a Mediterranean vineyard under integrated production: An experiment at plot scale (2018)
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment ,vol.256 , pp.184-193
DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2018.01.015
Ferreira, A.J.D., Guilherme, R.I.M.M., Ferreira, C.S.S., Oliveira, M.D.F.M.L.D.
Urban agriculture, a tool towards more resilient urban communities? (2018)
Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health ,vol.5 , pp.93-97
DOI: 10.1016/j.coesh.2018.06.004
Rocha, Ana Sofia Cardoso,
Índice de Biodiversidade Urbana (2018)
Pedrosa, Marlene Gomes,
Desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão da qualidade e ambiente numa empresa em fase de projeto Lifepoly (2017)
Muacahila , Alfredo Noré Saluanja,
Estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável para as regiões secas do sul de Angola: Bacia do rio Curoca (2017)
Rosa, Carolina Carmo Abrantes Lopes da,
Estudo de atividades numa empresa de consultadoria ambiental: Gestão de Resíduos de OAU e Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (2017)
Leitão, Inês Amorim do Vale,
Evolução dos Serviços dos Ecossistemas numa bacia hidrográfica em urbanização (2017)
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Blake, W.H., Kikuchi, R.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Temporal Dynamics of Sediment Sources in an Urbanizing Mediterranean Catchment (2017)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.28, 8 , pp.2354-2369
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2765
Kalantari, Z., Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Ferreira, A.J.D.Destouni, G.
Urbanization Development under Climate Change: Hydrological Responses in a Peri-Urban Mediterranean Catchment (2017)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.28, 7 , pp.2207-2221
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2747
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Shakesby, R.A., Keizer, J.J.Soares, D.González-Pelayo, O.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Differences in overland flow, hydrophobicity and soil moisture dynamics between Mediterranean woodland types in a peri-urban catchment in Portugal (2016)
Journal of Hydrology ,vol.533 , pp.473-485
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.12.040
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., de Lourdes Costa, M., Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Dynamics of surface water quality driven by distinct urbanization patterns and storms in a Portuguese peri-urban catchment (2016)
Journal of Soils and Sediments ,vol.16, 11 , pp.2606-2621
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1423-4
Dias-Ferreira, C., Pato, R.L., Varejão, J.B., Tavares, A.O.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Heavy metal and PCB spatial distribution pattern in sediments within an urban catchment—contribution of historical pollution sources (2016)
Journal of Soils and Sediments ,vol.16, 11 , pp.2594-2605
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1542-y
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Nunes, J.P.C., Steenhuis, T.S.Nunes, M.de Lima, J.L.M.P.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Impact of urban development on streamflow regime of a Portuguese peri-urban Mediterranean catchment (2016)
Journal of Soils and Sediments ,vol.16, 11 , pp.2580-2593
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1386-5
Pereira, P., Ferreira, A.J.D., Sarah, P., Cerdà, A.Walsh, R.Keesstra, S.
Preface (2016)
Journal of Soils and Sediments ,vol.16, 11 , pp.2493-2499
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1566-3
Ferreira, A.J.D., Soares, D., Serrano, L.M.V., Walsh, R.P.D.Dias-Ferreira, C.Ferreira, C.S.S.
Roads as sources of heavy metals in urban areas. The Covões catchment experiment, Coimbra, Portugal (2016)
Journal of Soils and Sediments ,vol.16, 11 , pp.2622-2639
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1492-4
De Pina Tavares, J., Baptista, I., Ferreira, A.J.D., Amiotte-Suchet, P.Coelho, C.Gomes, S.Amoros, R.Dos Reis, E.A.Mendes, A.F.Costa, L.Bentub, J.Varela, L.
Assessment and mapping the sensitive areas to desertification in an insular Sahelian mountain region Case study of the Ribeira Seca Watershed, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde (2015)
Catena ,vol.128 , pp.214-223
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2014.10.005
Shakesby, R.A., Bento, C.P.M., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D.Stoof, C.R.Urbanek, E.Walsh, R.P.D.
Impacts of prescribed fire on soil loss and soil quality: An assessment based on an experimentally-burned catchment in central Portugal (2015)
Catena ,vol.128 , pp.278-293
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.03.012
Baptista, I., Ritsema, C., Querido, A., Ferreira, A.D.Geissen, V.
Improving rainwater-use in Cabo Verde drylands by reducing runoff and erosion (2015)
Geoderma ,vol.237 , pp.283-297
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.09.015
González-García, S., Belo, S., Dias, A.C., Rodrigues, J.V.Costa, R.R.D.Ferreira, A.Andrade, L.P.D.Arroja, L.
Life cycle assessment of pigmeat production: Portuguese case study and proposal of improvement options (2015)
Journal of Cleaner Production ,vol.100 , pp.126-139
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03.048
Baptista, I., Fleskens, L., Ritsema, C., Querido, A.Tavares, J.Ferreira, A.D.Reis, E.A.Gomes, S.Varela, A.
Soil and water conservation strategies in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese) and their impacts on livelihoods: An overview from the Ribeira Seca Watershed (2015)
Land ,vol.4, 1 , pp.22-44
DOI: 10.3390/land4010022
Stoof, C.R., Ferreira, A.J.D., Mol, W., Van den Berg, J.De Kort, A.Drooger, S.Slingerland, E.C.Mansholt, A.U.Ferreira, C.S.S.Ritsema, C.J.
Soil surface changes increase runoff and erosion risk after a low-moderate severity fire (2015)
Geoderma ,vol.239 , pp.58-67
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.09.020
Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Steenhuis, T.S., Shakesby, R.A.Nunes, J.P.N.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Spatiotemporal variability of hydrologic soil properties and the implications for overland flow and land management in a peri-urban Mediterranean catchment (2015)
Journal of Hydrology ,vol.525 , pp.249-263
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.03.039
Ferreira, A.J.D., Alegre, S.P., Coelho, C.O.A., Shakesby, R.A.Páscoa, F.M.Ferreira, C.S.S.Keizer, J.J.Ritsema, C.
Strategies to prevent forest fires and techniques to reverse degradation processes in burned areas (2015)
Catena ,vol.128 , pp.224-237
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2014.09.002
Boulet, A.-K., Prats, S.A., Malvar, M.C., González-Pelayo, O.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.Keizer, J.J.
Surface and subsurface flow in eucalyptuslantations in north-central Portugal (2015)
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics ,vol.63, 3 , pp.193-200
DOI: 10.1515/johh-2015-0015
González-Pelayo, O., Gimeno-García, E., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D.Keizer, J.J.Andreu, V.Rubio, J.L.
Water repellency of air-dried and sieved samples from limestone soils in central Portugal collected before and after prescribed fire (2015)
Plant and Soil ,vol.394, 1-2 , pp.199-214
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-015-2515-4
De Pina Tavares, J., Ferreira, A.J.D., Reis, E.A., Baptista, I.Amoros, R.Costa, L.Furtado, A.M.Coelho, C.
Appraising and selecting strategies to combat and mitigate desertification based on stakeholder knowledge and global best practices in cape verde archipelago (2014)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.25, 1 , pp.45-57
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2273
Carreiras, M., Ferreira, A.J.D., Valente, S., Fleskens, L.Gonzales-Pelayo, O.Rubio, J.L.Stoof, C.R.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, C.S.S.Ritsema, C.J.
Comparative analysis of policies to deal with wildfire risk (2014)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.25, 1 , pp.92-103
DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2271
Stoof, C.R., Slingerland, E.C., Mol, W., Van Den Berg, J.Vermeulen, P.J.Ferreira, A.J.D.Ritsema, C.J.Parlange, J.-Y.Steenhuis, T.S.
Preferential flow as a potential mechanism for fire-induced increase in streamflow (2014)
Water Resources Research ,vol.50, 2 , pp.1840-1845
DOI: 10.1002/2013wr014397
Ferreira, A.J.D., Tavares, J., Baptista, I., Coelho, C.O.A.Reis, A.Varela, L.Bentub, J.
Efficiency of overland flow and erosion mitigation techniques at Ribeira Seca, Santiago Island, Cape Verde (2013)
Overland Flow and Surface Runoff , pp.113-135
Kosmas, C., Kairis, O., Karavitis, C., Ritsema, C.Salvati, L.Acikalin, S.Alcalá, M.Alfama, P.Atlhopheng, J.Barrera, J.Belgacem, A.Solé-Benet, A.Brito, J.Chaker, M.Chanda, R.Coelho, C.Darkoh, M.Diamantis, I.Ermolaeva, O.Fassouli, V.Fei, W.Feng, J.Fernandez, F.Ferreira, A.Gokceoglu, C.Gonzalez, D.Gungor, H.Hessel, R.Juying, J.Khatteli, H.Khitrov, N.Kounalaki, A.Laouina, A.Lollino, P.Lopes, M.Magole, L.Medina, L.Mendoza, M.Morais, P.Mulale, K.Ocakoglu, F.Ouessar, M.Ovalle, C.Perez, C.Perkins, J.Pliakas, F.Polemio, M.Pozo, A.Prat, C.Qinke, Y.Ramos, A.Ramos, J.Riquelme, J.Romanenkov, V.Rui, L.Santaloia, F.Sebego, R.Sghaier, M.Silva, N.Sizemskaya, M.Soares, J.Sonmez, H.Taamallah, H.Tezcan, L.Torri, D.Ungaro, F.Valente, S.de Vente, J.Zagal, E.Zeiliguer, A.Zhonging, W.Ziogas, A.
Evaluation and Selection of Indicators for Land Degradation and Desertification Monitoring: Methodological Approach (2013)
Environmental Management ,vol.54, 5 , pp.951-970
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Dias-Ferreira, C., Pato, R.L., Varejão, J.B., Tavares, A.O.Ferreira, A.J.D.
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Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Nunes, J.P.C., Steenhuis, T.S.Nunes, M.de Lima, J.L.M.P.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Impact of urban development on streamflow regime of a Portuguese peri-urban Mediterranean catchment (2016)
Journal of Soils and Sediments ,vol.16, 11 , pp.2580-2593
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Soares, D., Serrano, L.M.V., Walsh, R.P.D.Dias-Ferreira, C.Ferreira, C.S.S.
Roads as sources of heavy metals in urban areas. The Covões catchment experiment, Coimbra, Portugal (2016)
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De Pina Tavares, J., Baptista, I., Ferreira, A.J.D., Amiotte-Suchet, P.Coelho, C.Gomes, S.Amoros, R.Dos Reis, E.A.Mendes, A.F.Costa, L.Bentub, J.Varela, L.
Assessment and mapping the sensitive areas to desertification in an insular Sahelian mountain region Case study of the Ribeira Seca Watershed, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde (2015)
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Shakesby, R.A., Bento, C.P.M., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D.Stoof, C.R.Urbanek, E.Walsh, R.P.D.
Impacts of prescribed fire on soil loss and soil quality: An assessment based on an experimentally-burned catchment in central Portugal (2015)
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Improving rainwater-use in Cabo Verde drylands by reducing runoff and erosion (2015)
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González-García, S., Belo, S., Dias, A.C., Rodrigues, J.V.Costa, R.R.D.Ferreira, A.Andrade, L.P.D.Arroja, L.
Life cycle assessment of pigmeat production: Portuguese case study and proposal of improvement options (2015)
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Soil and water conservation strategies in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese) and their impacts on livelihoods: An overview from the Ribeira Seca Watershed (2015)
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Stoof, C.R., Ferreira, A.J.D., Mol, W., Van den Berg, J.De Kort, A.Drooger, S.Slingerland, E.C.Mansholt, A.U.Ferreira, C.S.S.Ritsema, C.J.
Soil surface changes increase runoff and erosion risk after a low-moderate severity fire (2015)
Geoderma ,vol.239 , pp.58-67
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Ferreira, C.S.S., Walsh, R.P.D., Steenhuis, T.S., Shakesby, R.A.Nunes, J.P.N.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Spatiotemporal variability of hydrologic soil properties and the implications for overland flow and land management in a peri-urban Mediterranean catchment (2015)
Journal of Hydrology ,vol.525 , pp.249-263
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Alegre, S.P., Coelho, C.O.A., Shakesby, R.A.Páscoa, F.M.Ferreira, C.S.S.Keizer, J.J.Ritsema, C.
Strategies to prevent forest fires and techniques to reverse degradation processes in burned areas (2015)
Catena ,vol.128 , pp.224-237
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Boulet, A.-K., Prats, S.A., Malvar, M.C., González-Pelayo, O.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.Keizer, J.J.
Surface and subsurface flow in eucalyptuslantations in north-central Portugal (2015)
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics ,vol.63, 3 , pp.193-200
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González-Pelayo, O., Gimeno-García, E., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D.Keizer, J.J.Andreu, V.Rubio, J.L.
Water repellency of air-dried and sieved samples from limestone soils in central Portugal collected before and after prescribed fire (2015)
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De Pina Tavares, J., Ferreira, A.J.D., Reis, E.A., Baptista, I.Amoros, R.Costa, L.Furtado, A.M.Coelho, C.
Appraising and selecting strategies to combat and mitigate desertification based on stakeholder knowledge and global best practices in cape verde archipelago (2014)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.25, 1 , pp.45-57
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Carreiras, M., Ferreira, A.J.D., Valente, S., Fleskens, L.Gonzales-Pelayo, O.Rubio, J.L.Stoof, C.R.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, C.S.S.Ritsema, C.J.
Comparative analysis of policies to deal with wildfire risk (2014)
Land Degradation and Development ,vol.25, 1 , pp.92-103
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Stoof, C.R., Slingerland, E.C., Mol, W., Van Den Berg, J.Vermeulen, P.J.Ferreira, A.J.D.Ritsema, C.J.Parlange, J.-Y.Steenhuis, T.S.
Preferential flow as a potential mechanism for fire-induced increase in streamflow (2014)
Water Resources Research ,vol.50, 2 , pp.1840-1845
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Tavares, J., Baptista, I., Coelho, C.O.A.Reis, A.Varela, L.Bentub, J.
Efficiency of overland flow and erosion mitigation techniques at Ribeira Seca, Santiago Island, Cape Verde (2013)
Overland Flow and Surface Runoff , pp.113-135
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Evaluation and Selection of Indicators for Land Degradation and Desertification Monitoring: Methodological Approach (2013)
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Evaluation and Selection of Indicators for Land Degradation and Desertification Monitoring: Types of Degradation, Causes, and Implications for Management (2013)
Environmental Management , pp.1-12
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Esteves, T.C.J., Cabral, P., Teixeira, J.C., Ferreira, A.J.D.
GIS for the determination of bioenergy potential in the centre region of Portugal (2013)
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Stoof, C.R., Moore, D., Fernandes, P.M., Stoorvogel, J.J.Fernandes, R.E.S.Ferreira, A.J.D.Ritsema, C.J.
Hot fire, cool soil (2013)
Geophysical Research Letters ,vol.40, 8 , pp.1534-1539
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Pardal, J., Malta, M., Ferreira, C.S.S.Soares, D.D.J.Vilhena, J.
Improving urban ecosystems resilience at a city level. the Coimbra case study (2013)
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Alegre, Sergio Prats,
Soil erosion mitigation following forest wildfires (2013)
Prats, S.A., MacDonald, L.H., Monteiro, M., Ferreira, A.J.D.Coelho, C.O.A.Keizer, J.J.
Effectiveness of forest residue mulching in reducing post-fire runoff and erosion in a pine and a eucalypt plantation in north-central Portugal (2012)
Geoderma ,vol.191 , pp.115-124
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Stoof, C.R., Vervoort, R.W., Iwema, J., VanDenElsen, E.Ferreira, A.J.D.Ritsema, C.J.
Hydrological response of a small catchment burned by experimental fire (2012)
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ,vol.16, 2 , pp.267-285
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Esteves, T.C.J., Kirkby, M.J., Shakesby, R.A., Ferreira, A.J.D.Soares, J.A.A.Irvine, B.J.Ferreira, C.S.S.Coelho, C.O.A.Bento, C.P.M.Carreiras, M.A.
Mitigating land degradation caused by wildfire: Application of the PESERA model to fire-affected sites in central Portugal (2012)
Geoderma ,vol.191 , pp.40-50
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Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D., Pato, R.L., Magalhăes, M.C.Coelho, C.O.Santos, C.
Rainfall-runoff-erosion relationships study for different land uses, in a sub-urban area (2012)
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Rial-Rivas, M.E., Nunes, J.P., Boulet, A.K., Ferreira, A.J.D.Coelho, C.O.A.Keizer, J.J.
Addressing input data uncertainties in the hydrological simulation of a small forested catchment in North-Central Portugal (2011)
Bodenkultur ,vol.62, 1-4 , pp.109-114
Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D., De Lima, J.L.M.P., Nunes, J.P.
Assessment of surface hydrologic properties on a small urbanized mediterranean basin: Experimental design and first results (2011)
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Desenvolvimento de um SGA na indústria cerâmica (2011)
Stoof, C.R., Vervoort, R.W., Iwema, J., Van Den Elsen, E.Ferreira, A.J.D.Ritsema, C.J.
Hydrological response of a small catchment burned by experimental fire (2011)
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Estratégias nutricionais na prevenção de doenças digestivas dos suínos (2010)
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Sistemas de gestão ambiental no sector da construção civil (2010)
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Avaliação do processo de implementação de sistemas de gestão ambiental (2009)
Silva, José Daniel Cardoso Vilhena Pereira da,
Boa governança e sistemas de informação na gestão de espaços verdes (2009)
Nunes, J.P., Seixas, J., Keizer, J.J., Ferreira, A.J.D.
Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part I: Model parameterizationand evaluation (2009)
Hydrological Processes ,vol.23, 8 , pp.1202-1211
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Nunes, J.P., Sexias, J., Keizer, J.J., Ferreira, A.J.D.
Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part II: Assessing impacts from changes in storm rainfall, soil moisture and vegetation cover (2009)
Hydrological Processes ,vol.23, 8 , pp.1212-1220
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Bento, Célia Patrícia Martins,
Sustentabilidade de SAF's na região de Vila Bela, Mato Grosso, Brasil (2009)
Ferreira, A.J.D., Silva, J.S., Coelho, C., Boulet, A.-K.Keizer, J.J.
The portuguese experience in managing fire effects (2009)
Fire Effects on Soils and Restoration Strategies , pp.401-422
Gonçalves, António Bento, Vieira, António, Ferreira, António José Dinis, Coelho, Celeste de Oliveira Alves
Caracterização geomorfológica e implementação de um Sistema Integrado de Informação, em Ambiente SIG, no âmbito do Projecto RECOVER (Estratégias de Remediação de Solos Imediatamente após Incêndios Florestais) (2008)
Gonçalves, António Bento, Vieira, António, Coelho, Celeste de Oliveira Alves, Ferreira, António José Dinis
Caracterização geomorfológica e implementação de um sistema integrado de informação, em ambiente SIG, no âmbito do projecto RECOVER (Estratégias de Remediação de Solos imediatamente após Incêndios Florestais) (2008)
Dinis-Oliveira, Ricardo, Pinho, Paula Guedes de, Ferreira, António César Silva, Silva, ArturAfonso, CarlosBastos, Maria de LourdesRemião, FernandoDuarte, José Alberto
Chemical reactivity of paraquat with the previously validated antidote, sodium salicylate (2008)
Ferreira, Carla Sofia Santos,
Processos hidrológicos na bacia da Ribeira dos Covões (2008)
Dinis-Oliveira, Ricardo Jorge, Pinho, Paula Guedes de, Ferreira, Antonio César Silva, Silva, Artur M. S.Afonso, CarlosBastos, Maria de LourdesRemião, FernandoDuarte, José AlbertoCarvalho, Félix
Reactivity of paraquat with sodium salicylate: formation of stable complexes (2008)
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Coelho, C.O.A., Ritsema, C.J., Boulet, A.K.Keizer, J.J.
Soil and water degradation processes in burned areas: Lessons learned from a nested approach (2008)
Catena ,vol.74, 3 , pp.273-285
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Keizer, J.J., Doerr, S.H., Malvar, M.C., Prats, S.A.Ferreira, R.S.V.Oñate, M.G.Coelho, C.O.A.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Temporal variation in topsoil water repellency in two recently burnt eucalypt stands in north-central Portugal (2008)
Catena ,vol.74, 3 , pp.192-204
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Keizer, J.J., Doerr, S.H., Malvar, M.C., Ferreira, A.J.D.Pereira, V.M.F.G.
Temporal and spatial variations in topsoil water repellency throughout a crop-rotation cycle on sandy soil in north-central Portugal (2007)
Hydrological Processes ,vol.21, 17 , pp.2317-2324
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Lopes, M.A.R., Morais, J.P.F.,
Environmental management and audit schemes implementation as an educational tool for sustainability (2006)
Journal of Cleaner Production ,vol.14, 9-11 , pp.973-982
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Laouina, A., Coelho, C., Ritsema, C., Chaker, M.Nafaa, R.Antari, M.Ferreira, A.Van Dijck, S.
The spatial differentiation of the land vulnerability in the Matlaq small catchment (Rabat region, Morocco) | La différenciation spatiale des comportements des terres dans le micro-bassin de Matlaq (Région de Rabat, Maroc) (2006)
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Competitive sorption of metals in water repellent soils: Implications for irrigation recycled water (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.351-356
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Extraction of compounds associated with water repellency in sandy soils of different origin (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.225-237
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Coelho, C.O.A., Boulet, A.K., Leighton-Boyce, G.Keizer, J.J.Ritsema, C.J.
Influence of burning intensity on water repellency and hydrological processes at forest and shrub sites in Portugal (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.327-336
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Keizer, J.J., Coelho, C.O.A., Matias, M.J.S., Domingues, C.S.P.Ferreira, A.J.D.
Soil water repellency under dry and wet antecedent weather conditions for selected land-cover types in the coastal zone of central Portugal (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.297-308
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Temporal dynamics of water repellency and soil moisture in eucalypt plantations, Portugal (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.269-280
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Ferreira, A.J.D., Coelho, C.O.A., Boulet, A.K., Lopes, F.P.
Temporal patterns of solute loss following wildfires in Central Portugal (2005)
International Journal of Wildland Fire ,vol.14, 4 , pp.401-412
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Coelho, C.O.A., Laouina, A., Regaya, K., Ferreira, A.J.D.Carvalho, T.M.M.Chaker, M.Naafa, R.Naciri, R.Boulet, A.K.Keizer, J.J.
The impact of soil water repellency on soil hydrological and erosional processes under Eucalyptus and evergreen Quercus forests in the Western Mediterranean (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.309-318
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The role of soil water repellency in overland flow generation in pine and eucalypt forest stands in coastal Portugal (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.337-349
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The role of tree stem proximity in the spatial variability of soil water repellency in a eucalypt plantation in coastal Portugal (2005)
Australian Journal of Soil Research ,vol.43, 3 , pp.251-259
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Changes in land-use and their impact on erosion rates and overland flow generation in the Maghreb region (2004)
Revue des Sciences de l'Eau ,vol.17, 2 , pp.163-180
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Overland flow generation processes, erosion yields and solute loss folowing different intensity fires (2004)
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Soil water repellency as a potential parameter in rainfall-runoff modelling: Experimental evidence at point to catchment scales from Portugal (2003)
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Spatio-temporal patterns of soil water repellency in Portuguese eucalyptus forests and implications for slope hydrology (2003)
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The impact of water-repellency on overland flow and runoff in Portugal (2003)
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A ranking methodology for assessing relative erosion risk and its application to dehesas and montados in Spain and Portugal (2002)
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Ground-level changes after wildfire and ploughing in eucalyptus and pine forests, Portugal: Implications for soil microtopographical development and soil longevity (2002)
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Land degradation processes in Portugal: Farmers' perceptions of the application of European agroforestry programmes (2002)
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Hydrological implications of soil water-repellency in Eucalyptus globulus forests, north-central Portugal (2000)
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Analisis de la repelencia al agua en una pequena cuenca hidrográfica afectada for fuego controlado en el area montanosa central de portugal (1999)
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Sediment and solute yield in forest ecosystems affected by fire and rip-ploughing techniques, central Portugal: A plot and catchment analysis approach (1997)
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth ,vol.22, 3-4 , pp.309-314
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: European Union's Research and Innovation
Period: 12/2023 -
Project Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO
Espumante de Portugal
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Governo da República Portuguesa
Period: 12/2022 - 12/2024
Project Code: PRR-C05-i03-I-000194
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Governo da República Portuguesa
Period: 12/2021 - 12/2024
Project Code: RR ID140 - PRR-C05-i03-I-000030
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Governo da República Portuguesa
Period: 12/2021 - 12/2024
Project Code: PRR ID150 - PRR-C05-i03-I-000032
Sistema Robótico Inteligente para Agricultura Digital
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2021 - 12/2024
Project Code: PTDC/EEI-ROB/2459/2021
Automação Inteligente na Agricultura de Precisão
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2020 - 12/2021
Project Code: MIT-EXPL/TDI/0029/2019
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2019 - 12/2022
Project Code: UIDB/00681/2020
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2019 - 12/2022
Project Code: UIDP/00681/2020
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2018 - 12/2018
Project Code: UID/AMB/00681/2019
FAIRWAY: Farm systems management and governance for producing good water quality for drinking water supplies
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2016 - 12/2020
Project Code: H2020 RUR-04-2016
URBANGAIA: Managing Urban Biodiversity and green infrastructure to increase city resilience
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Biodiversa
Period: 12/2016 - 12/2019
Project Code: JPI BiodivERsA3-2015-143
SOILCARE: Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2015 - 12/2020
Project Code: H2020 SFS-2B
iSQAPER - "Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: European Union
Period: 12/2014 - 12/2019
Project Code: Grant Agreement: 635750
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2014 - 12/2017
Project Code: UID/AMB/00681/2013
Projecto Estratégico - UI 681 - 2014
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2013 - 12/2014
Project Code: PEst-OE/AGR/UI0681/2014
Incentivo - UI 681 - 2014
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2013 - 12/2014
Project Code: Incentivo/AGR/UI0681/2014
Projecto Estratégico - UI 681 - 2011-2012
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2010 - 12/2012
Project Code: PEst-OE/AGR/UI0681/2011
ForeStake - O papel dos agentes locais no sucesso da política florestal em áreas afectadas por incêndios em Portugal
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2009 - 12/2012
Project Code: PTDC/AGR-CFL/099970/2008
HIDRIA - Uma abordagem faseada para liderar com incertezas em dados de entrada para modelação hidrológica, baseada em processos físicos, de pequenas bacias hidrográficas florestais a montante da Ria de Aveiro
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2008 - 12/2011
Project Code: PTDC/CTE-GEX/71651/2006
EROSFIRE II - Ferramenta SIG para conservação do solo, à escala de encostas até bacias hidrográficas, após incêndios florestais
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2006 - 12/2010
Project Code: PTDC/AGR-CFL/70968/2006
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2005 - 12/2022
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/SFRH/SFRH2%FBGCT2%F159352%F2005/PT
PHOENIX - Reconversão florestal em áreas queimadas
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2004 - 12/2006
Project Code: POCI/AGR/58896/2004
EROSFIRE - Ferramenta de apoio na decisão para identificação, com base em modelação, de risco de erosão do solo após incêndios florestais
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2004 - 12/2007
Project Code: POCI/AGR/60354/2004
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/1993 - 12/1994
Project Code: PRAXIS XXI/BD/3807/94
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: INCO510935
DESIRE DESertification mItigation and REmediation of land a global approach for local solutions
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: Contract 037046
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: LIFE03 ENV/P/000501
ECODEEP – “Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de eco-eficiência para o sector agro-alimentar.
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: COMPETE-SIAC-AAC 1/SIAC/2011
RECOVER - Immediate soil management strategy for recovery after forest fires.
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: PTDC/AGR-AAM/73350/2006
FRURB Managing Flood Risk in Urban areas in a global change context
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: PTDC/AUR-URB/123089/2010
TRADWATER - Utilização do saber tradicional na gestão sustentável da água para diferentes cenários de alterações climáticas.
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: POCI/CLI/60784/2004
URBHI - Avaliação do riosco de cheia e mobilização de poluentes como resultado de alterações climáticas
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: POCI/CLI/60421/2004
CCB Centro de Competências em Bio-Energias
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro
Period: -
Project Code: N/A
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: European Union's Research and Innovation
Period: 12/2023 -
Project Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO
Espumante de Portugal
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Governo da República Portuguesa
Period: 12/2022 - 12/2024
Project Code: PRR-C05-i03-I-000194
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Governo da República Portuguesa
Period: 12/2021 - 12/2024
Project Code: RR ID140 - PRR-C05-i03-I-000030
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Governo da República Portuguesa
Period: 12/2021 - 12/2024
Project Code: PRR ID150 - PRR-C05-i03-I-000032
Sistema Robótico Inteligente para Agricultura Digital
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2021 - 12/2024
Project Code: PTDC/EEI-ROB/2459/2021
Automação Inteligente na Agricultura de Precisão
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2020 - 12/2021
Project Code: MIT-EXPL/TDI/0029/2019
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2019 - 12/2022
Project Code: UIDB/00681/2020
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2019 - 12/2022
Project Code: UIDP/00681/2020
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2018 - 12/2018
Project Code: UID/AMB/00681/2019
FAIRWAY: Farm systems management and governance for producing good water quality for drinking water supplies
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2016 - 12/2020
Project Code: H2020 RUR-04-2016
URBANGAIA: Managing Urban Biodiversity and green infrastructure to increase city resilience
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Biodiversa
Period: 12/2016 - 12/2019
Project Code: JPI BiodivERsA3-2015-143
SOILCARE: Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: 12/2015 - 12/2020
Project Code: H2020 SFS-2B
iSQAPER - "Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: European Union
Period: 12/2014 - 12/2019
Project Code: Grant Agreement: 635750
Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade - CERNAS
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2014 - 12/2017
Project Code: UID/AMB/00681/2013
Projecto Estratégico - UI 681 - 2014
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2013 - 12/2014
Project Code: PEst-OE/AGR/UI0681/2014
Incentivo - UI 681 - 2014
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2013 - 12/2014
Project Code: Incentivo/AGR/UI0681/2014
Projecto Estratégico - UI 681 - 2011-2012
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2010 - 12/2012
Project Code: PEst-OE/AGR/UI0681/2011
ForeStake - O papel dos agentes locais no sucesso da política florestal em áreas afectadas por incêndios em Portugal
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2009 - 12/2012
Project Code: PTDC/AGR-CFL/099970/2008
HIDRIA - Uma abordagem faseada para liderar com incertezas em dados de entrada para modelação hidrológica, baseada em processos físicos, de pequenas bacias hidrográficas florestais a montante da Ria de Aveiro
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2008 - 12/2011
Project Code: PTDC/CTE-GEX/71651/2006
EROSFIRE II - Ferramenta SIG para conservação do solo, à escala de encostas até bacias hidrográficas, após incêndios florestais
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2006 - 12/2010
Project Code: PTDC/AGR-CFL/70968/2006
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Period: 12/2005 - 12/2022
Project Code: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/SFRH/SFRH2%FBGCT2%F159352%F2005/PT
PHOENIX - Reconversão florestal em áreas queimadas
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2004 - 12/2006
Project Code: POCI/AGR/58896/2004
EROSFIRE - Ferramenta de apoio na decisão para identificação, com base em modelação, de risco de erosão do solo após incêndios florestais
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/2004 - 12/2007
Project Code: POCI/AGR/60354/2004
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 12/1993 - 12/1994
Project Code: PRAXIS XXI/BD/3807/94
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: INCO510935
DESIRE DESertification mItigation and REmediation of land a global approach for local solutions
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: Contract 037046
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: LIFE03 ENV/P/000501
ECODEEP – “Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de eco-eficiência para o sector agro-alimentar.
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: N/A
Period: -
Project Code: COMPETE-SIAC-AAC 1/SIAC/2011
RECOVER - Immediate soil management strategy for recovery after forest fires.
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: PTDC/AGR-AAM/73350/2006
FRURB Managing Flood Risk in Urban areas in a global change context
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: PTDC/AUR-URB/123089/2010
TRADWATER - Utilização do saber tradicional na gestão sustentável da água para diferentes cenários de alterações climáticas.
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: POCI/CLI/60784/2004
URBHI - Avaliação do riosco de cheia e mobilização de poluentes como resultado de alterações climáticas
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: -
Project Code: POCI/CLI/60421/2004
CCB Centro de Competências em Bio-Energias
António José Dinis Ferreira
Institution: Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro
Period: -
Project Code: N/A