Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society

Maria Justina Barbara Franco

Maria Justina Barbara Franco
• Holds a Master’s degree in Crop Production (ISA/UTL) and a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering (University of Évora).
• Has been a lecturer at the Coimbra College of Agriculture (IPC) since 1989, teaching and overseeing the subjects of Post-harvest and Traceability, Fruit Growing and Viticulture, and Agricultural Planning.
• Over 34 years of professional activity, participated in 12 projects with both national and international funding, related to her areas of teaching.
• As author or co-author, published 10 book chapters in the fields of her research and experimentation.
• Published 42 articles in national and international journals as author or co-author in her areas of research and experimentation.
• Delivered 60 oral presentations at national and international conferences or symposia as author or co-author, covering topics within her research and experimentation areas.
• Participated as author or co-author in 20 poster presentations at national and international conferences or symposia, related to her research and experimentation fields.
• Collaborative member of the Centre for Natural Resources, Environment and Society Studies (CERNAS).