Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society

Maria Margarida Chagas Ataíde Ribeiro

Maria Margarida Chagas Ataíde Ribeiro
I completed my PhD in Forest Genetics from the Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå (Sweden) in 2001, with the thesis Genetics of Pinus pinaster Aiton with Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Markers. I am a full-time Professor in the Instituto Polítécnico de Castelo Branco-Escola Superior Agrária.
In the past years I have developed several research projects and published papers about Mediterranean species’ biodiversity and the impact of global change in its distribution. Those studies may provide relevant information for sustainable forest ecosystems management and, also, for conservation program design.
My main research fields is population genetics, and the general application of molecular markers to plants’ dynamic study, such as, gene flow, relatedness, fingerprinting, natural resources conservation, and neutral vs. adaptive genetic variation. Recently, I am interested in the field of macroecology, in particular, liking genetic diversity with ecology, using ecological niche modelling approach in past and future global warming scenarios.
I am also the group leader of the Macroecoogy Group:
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