Research Center
for Natural Resources,
Envioronment and Society

Sara Proença

Sara Proença
Sara Proença is Adjunct Professor at Polytechnic University of Coimbra (IPC), Portugal, since 2003. Teaching experience in the fields of entrepreneurship, business management, project analysis, and economics, in both first and second cycle. Currently, she is Director of the INOPOL Entrepreneurship Academy, a functional unit of IPC whose mission is to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship and to foster the creation and growth of new startup and spinoff companies. She was Pro-President of IPC for innovation and entrepreneurship (2019-21). Her academic background is in Economics (PhD) and Applied Economics (M.Sc.). Her thesis entitled Impact Assessment of Energy and Climate Policies: A Hybrid Bottom-up General Equilibrium Model (HyBGEM) for Portugal, was distinguished with the António Simões Lopes prize - best PhD thesis in Economics and Business Sciences. She also has advanced training in Entrepreneurship. Integrated member at the Research Center for Natural Resources, Environment and Society (CERNAS). Research experience in applied economics and business with several publications in peer reviewed journals. Participation in national and international R&D+I projects and referee of numerous scientific papers. Participation in several national and international seminars and conferences.